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Click on your Titanic passenger’s name below to read their story, and then explore the lives of other passengers on the ship. Use the links on the left to see what happened to passengers in the other classes.

Miss Elisabeth Walton Allen Master Hudson Trevor Allison
Mrs. Bessie Waldo Allison Mr. Henry Anderson
Miss Kornelia Theodosia Andrews Mrs. Charlotte Appleton
Mr. Ramon Artagaveytia Mr. Algernon Henry Barkworth
Mr. Quigg Edmond Baxter Mr. Richard Leonard Beckwith
Mr. Thomson Beattie Miss Ellen Bird
Mrs. Helen Bishop Mr. Mauritz Hokan Björnström-Steffansson
Mr. Henry Blank Miss Elizabeth Bonnell
Miss Elsie Edith Bowerman Mr. Emil Franklin Brandeis
Mrs. Emma Eliza Bucknell Major Archibald Willingham Butt
Mrs. Helen Churchill Candee Miss Lucile Polk Carter
Mrs. Julia Florence Cavendish Mrs. Carrie Constance Chaffee
Mr. Norman Campbell Chambers Miss Gladys Cherry
Mr. Paul Romaine Marie Léonce Chevré Mr. Roderick Robert Crispin Chisholm
Miss Harriette Rebecca Crosby Mr. Robert Williams Daniel
Mr. Wyckoff Van Derhoef Mrs. Vera Dick
Mrs. Mary Hélène Douglas Mrs. Mahala Douglas
Lady Lucy Christiana Duff-Gordon Mr. William Crothers Dulles
Mrs. Olive Earnshaw Miss Elizabeth Mussey Eustis
Miss Edith Corse Evans Mrs. Antoinette Flegenheim
Miss Margaret Fleming Mr. John Irwin Flynn
Miss Mabel Helen Fortune Mr. Mark Fortune
Miss Laura Mabel Francatelli Dr. Henry William Frauenthal
Miss Hedwig Margaritha Frölicher Mr. Maximilian Josef Frölicher-Stehli
Mr. Jacques Heath Futrelle Mr. Arthur H. Gee
Miss Dorothy Winifred Gibson Mr. Victor Gaitan Andrea Giglio
Miss Margaret Edith Graham Mr. William Bertram Greenfield
Mrs. Dorothy Harder Mrs. Myra Raymond Harper
Mr. Henry Birkhardt Harris Miss Margaret Bechstein Hays
Mr. Christopher Head Miss Gertrude Isabelle Hippach
Mr. Harry Homer Mrs. Jane Anne Hoyt
Miss Ann Elizabeth Isham Mr. Charles Cresson Jones
Mr. Edward Austin Kent Mrs. Marion Estelle Kenyon
Mr. Edwin Nelson Kimball, Jr. Mr. Herman Klaber
Dr. Alice May Leader Mr. Ervin G. Lewy
Miss Mary Conover Lines Miss Gretchen Fiske Longley
Miss Eugénie Elise Lurette Mr. Daniel Warner Marvin
Mlle Berthe Antonine Mayné Mr. Thomas Francis McCaffry
Mr. James Robert McGough Mrs. Leila Meyer
Mr. Francis Davis Millet Miss Ida Daisy Minahan
Mr. Charles Natsch Miss Helen Monypeny Newsom
Mr. Engelhart Cornelius Østby Mr. William Henry Marsh Parr
Mrs. Edith Pears  Miss Mary Anne Perreault
Major Arthur Godfrey Peuchen Mr. Walter Chamberlain Porter
Mrs. Lily Alexenia Potter Mr. Jonkheer Johan George Reuchlin
Mr. Washington Augustus Roebling II Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Anne Rothschild
Mr. Alfred G. Rowe Mr. Abraham Lincoln Salomon
Mr. Frederic Kimber Seward Mrs. Alice Gray Silvey
Mr. William Thompson Sloper Mrs. Mary Eloise Smith
Mr. John Pillsbury Snyder Dr. Max Stähelin-Maeglin
Mr. William Thomas Stead Mrs. Martha Evelyn Stone
Mrs. Tillie Taussig Mr. Elmer Zebley Taylor
Miss Gertrude Maybelle Thorne Mr. Gilbert Milligan Tucker Jr.
Don Manuel Ramirez Uruchurtu Mrs. Anna Sophia Warren
Colonel John Weir Mrs. Mary Peebles Wick
Miss Marie Grice Young Mr. George Wright

Miss Elisabeth Walton Allen, Age 29

Miss Elisabeth Walton Allen was born in St. Louis, Missouri on October 1, 1882. She was the daughter of George W. Allen, a St. Louis judge, and Lydia McMillan.

Elisabeth was engaged in 1912 to a British physician, Dr. James B. Mennell. She was going home to St. Louis to collect her belongings in preparation for moving to England to live with her future husband. She was traveling with her aunt, Mrs. Elisabeth Walton Robert, and her cousin, fifteen-year-old Georgette Alexandra Madill. Georgette was the daughter of Mrs. Robert from a former marriage.

Elisabeth, Mrs. Robert, Georgette, and Mrs. Robert’s maid, Emilie Kreuchen, all boarded the Titanic in Southampton as first class passengers.

Survived: Elisabeth escaped with her relatives (aunt Elisabeth Walton Roberts and cousin Georgette Alexandra Madill) in Lifeboat 2, one of the last boats to leave the Titanic, under the command of Fourth Officer Joseph G. Boxhall. After the sinking, Elisabeth filed a $2,427.80 claim against the White Star Line for the loss of personal property in the disaster.

Following the disaster, Elisabeth, who was traveling to St. Louis to collect her belongings, reached St. Louis and soon returned to England. She then married her fiance, Dr. James Beaver Mennell, in July 1912. She and her sister were married in a double wedding.

Elisabeth made her home in England. She was living in Tunbridge Wells, England, at the time of her death, at the age of 85, on December 15, 1967.

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Master Hudson Trevor Allison, Age 11 months

Master Hudson Trevor Allison (called Trevor) was born May 7, 1911 in Westmount, Quebec. He was the son of Hudson Joshua Creighton Allison (b. 1881), a stockbroker, and Bessie Waldo Allison (b. 1886) who were married in 1907. He had one older sister, Helen Loraine (b. 1909).

Shortly after Trevor was born, the Allison family travelled to England for Hudson’s director’s meeting (he was on the board of the British Lumbar Corporation) and it was in England that young Trevor was baptized. The family also picked up furniture and recruited household staff for their two residences.

The family altered plans to make the maiden voyage and Trevor traveled on the Titanic with his father, mother, sister and nurse.

Survived: When the Titanic hit the iceberg, Trevor’s nursemaid, Alice Cleaver, took him and escaped in Lifeboat 11. Trevor’s mother, Bessie Allison was put in a boat with his three-year-old sister Loraine, but refused to leave the ship without her baby. She dragged Loraine out of the boat and started searching for Alice and Trevor. Unable to find them, by the time Bessie Allison returned to her lifeboat, it had put off. Trevor Allison was the only survivor of the family. His sister, Loraine, was the only child from first and second class to die. Neither her body, nor their mother Bessie’s body, were recovered. His father, Hudson’s body was recovered and buried in Ontario.

After the sinking, baby Trevor returned home to Canada, where he would be raised by his aunt and uncle, George and Lillian Allison.

Trevor died on August 7, 1929 at the age of 18 in Maine of ptomaine poisoning. He was buried beside his father in Chesterville, Ontario.

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Mrs. Bessie Waldo Allison, Age 25

Mrs. Bessie Waldo Allison (née Daniels) was born on November 14, 1886, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was the youngest daughter of Arville Daniels and Sarah McCully. Bessie met Hudson Joshua Creighton Allison (b. 1881) on a train in 1907. They married later that year in her home town of Milwaukee.

On June 5, 1909 the couple’s first daughter, Helen Loraine, was born. She was soon followed by a brother, Hudson Trevor, who was born on May 7, 1911. Shortly after Trevor was born, the Allison family travelled to England for business purposes. The family also picked up furniture and recruited household staff for their two residences.

Bessie, her husband and children boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers.

Died: Bessie was put in a lifeboat with her three-year-old daughter Loraine, but refused to leave the ship without her baby, eleven-month-old, Trevor. She dragged Loraine out of the boat and started searching for Trevor and his nursemaid, Alice Cleaver. She did not know that Alice Cleaver took Trevor and left with him in Lifeboat 11. Unable to find them, by the time Bessie returned to her lifeboat, it had put off. Trevor Allison was the only survivor of the Allison family. Loraine was the only child from first and second class to die. Neither her body nor Bessie’s body were recovered. Bessie’s husband Hudson’s body was recovered and buried in Ontario.

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Mr. Henry Anderson, Age 42

Mr. Henry “Harry” Anderson was born in Manhattan, New York on October 20, 1869. He was the son of Henry Rhind Anderson (b. 1833), a gold broker, and Elizabeth Antoinette Diaper (b. 1841). He had two known siblings.

Harry was married in Manhattan on April 8, 1907 to Grace Irene Ryder (b. 1876), a New York native. The couple would have no children. Harry worked as a stockbroker. He was also commodore of the yacht division of the New York Athletic Club. In March 1912, Harry visited London on business and pleasure.

For his return to New York he boarded the Titanic in Southampton as a first class passenger.

Survived: On the night of the sinking Harry left the Titanic in Lifeboat 3, one of the first boats to leave.

Harry returned to New York and continued to work as a stockbroker. He became a widower when his wife Grace died on June 9, 1915. He was remarried on August 24, 1926 to Florence “Flora” Gardner Daggett (b. 1882). They later resettled sometime in the early 1930s in Pelham, New York. Flora died on December 7, 1937.

Harry reportedly disliked discussion of the Titanic but his experiences did not diminish his love of sailing, although he was uncomfortable traveling aboard larger ships. In his later years he was a member of the Larchmont Yacht Club, the same club in which fellow survivor, Frederick Hoyt, was also a member.

Harry died in New York on November 23, 1951. He is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in New York City.

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Miss Kornelia Theodosia Andrews, Age 62

Miss Kornelia Theodosia Andrews was born in Hudson, New York in August 1848. She was the daughter of Robert E. Fonda (b. 1819) and Matilda Fonda Andrews (b. 1821) who had married around 1845. She was one of eight children.

A graduate of Oberlin College in Ohio, Kornelia was for many years a leader in society and charitable works in Hudson, New York. She was one of the Managers of the Hudson City Hospital since its founding, and was its Vice-President in 1912. She never married.

Kornelia had been on vacation overseas and was returning home on the Titanic with her sister, Anna Hogeboom, and their twenty-one-year old niece, Gretchen Fiske Longley. All three ladies boarded in Southampton on April 10, 1912 as first class passengers.

Survived: Kornelia, who had apparently been ill, was reading when the Titanic struck the iceberg. Gretchen, Kornelia’s niece, who was awakened by the impact, asked her aunt what happened. Kornelia claimed to know without having been told. “We must have struck an iceberg. Go and ask the steward if we are in danger.” Gretchen went out three times to ask if there was danger, but was reassured by stewards that everything was fine. Kornelia did not believe what the stewards were saying so she found their day-steward who informed her that the Titanic was in danger and that they were to report to the boat deck with lifebelts. The ladies dressed, including Kornelia’s sister Anna, put on thier fur coats, and headed to the boat deck. Kornelia related that the first three boats they tried to enter did not contain room for them. They waited for the fourth boat, which turned out to be Lifeboat 10, and were helped aboard.

All three ladies were rescued by the Carpathia, and eventually reached their homes in Hudson, New York. Kornelia later filed a $480.50 claim against the White Star Line for lost possessions including such items are fur coats, numerous dresses, 3 brass antique lamps and “one velvet hat with ostrich plumes.”

Kornelia died less than two years after the sinking. On December 4, 1913 she passed away at her home in Hudson from lobar pneumonia; she was 65.

Her sister, Anna Hogeboom, died in 1947, and her niece, Gretchen Longley (later Leopold), in 1965.

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Mrs. Charlotte Appleton, Age 53

Mrs. Charlotte Appleton (née Lamson) was born on December 12, 1858 in New York City. She was the daughter of Charles Lamson and Elizabeth Robertson Marshall. Her father became the senior partner of the shipping house of Charles H. Marshall & Co., the proprietors of the noted Black Ball Line of Liverpool packet-ships.

In 1894, Charlotte married Edward Dale Appleton, a noted book publisher from Massachusetts and the son of John Adams Appleton and Serena Parker Dale. The couple lived in Bayside, New York and had no children.

In 1912, Mrs. Appleton travelled to England with her sisters, Caroline Lane Brown and Malvina Helen Cornell, to attend the funeral of another sister, Lady Drummond. Returning home, the three sisters booked passage on the Titanic and boarded in Southampton as first class passengers.

Survived: On the night of the sinking, Charlotte and her two sisters Caroline and Malvina were on the Boat Deck following the collision. They were separated and Charlotte and Malvina reached Lifeboat 2, which was among the last to leave the sinking vessel, and were helped into it. Meanwhile, on board the Titanic, Colonel Archibald Gracie found Caroline and and escorted her to the last boat to leave the ship.

Aboard the rescue ship Carpathia, the three sisters were reunited, and by a remarkable coincidence, found that their uncle, Charles H. Marshall, was a passenger aboard the rescue ship. The sisters were met by their families upon arrival in New York.

Following the sinking, Charlotte continued to live in Bayside, New York. She died on June 25, 1924.

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Mr. Ramon Artagaveytia, Age 71

Mr. Ramon Artagaveytia was born in July 1840 in Montevideo, Uruguay. He was the son of Ramon Fermin Artagaveytia and Maria Josefa Marcisa Gomez y Calvo.

On December 24, 1871 Ramon survived the fire and sinking of the ship America, close to the shore of Punta Espinillo, Uruguay. Newspapers reported that the America had been racing another ship into Montevideo harbor and high boiler pressures had led to a fire. Ramon escaped by jumping into the sea and swimming for his life. In 1905 Ramon moved to Argentina where he took over a farm in Garamini. In 1912, he was still living in Argentina but traveled to Europe to visit his nephew who was the head of the Uruguayan Consulate in Berlin. Ramon was heading to the United States for a visit before returning to Argentina.

Ramon boarded the Titanic in Cherbourg on April 10, 1912 as a first class passenger.

Died: On the night of the sinking, Ramon was observed on deck with two fellow Uruguayan passengers, Mr Francisco M. Carrau and his nephew, Jose Pedro Carrau. The three men could not understand English and were all lost in the sinking.

About a week following the disaster, Ramon’s body was pulled from the North Atlantic by the MacKay-Bennett, the recovery vessel chartered by the White Star Line to search the scene of the wreck for victims. His body was forwarded to New York and from there was shipped to Montevideo, Uruguay under the auspices of the Uruguayan Consul in New York, Alfred Metz Green. He was buried in the Cemeterio Central, in Montevideo on June 18, 1912.

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Mr. Algernon Henry Barkworth, Age 47

Mr. Algernon Henry Barkworth was born in Tranby House in Hessle, England on June 4, 1864. He was the son of Henry Barkworth (1822-1898), a farmer and landowner, and Catherine Hester Smith (1838-1915). They were married in Yorkshire in 1858 and went on to have four children. Algernon grew up in Tranby House, built in the early 1800s by his great-grandfather, John Barkworth.

After Algernon’s father died, he moved back with his aged mother and unmarried sister Evelyn to Tranby House. He worked as a Justice of the Peace for the East Riding of Yorkshire, a position he had held since 1903. While Algernon was a seasoned world traveler, he had never been to the United States. He decided to change that and bought a ticket on Titanic.

Barkworth boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger.

Survived: Algernon pulled a heavy fur coat over his lifebelt, threw his briefcase into the water and stepped in after it. He found the coat and belt buoyed him and eventually made his way to the overturned Collapsible B, but someone warned him that if he came aboard he would swamp the boat. Eventually, however, he was able to drag himself aboard the boat.

Following the disaster Algernon spent time at the home of a Mrs. Richard F. Wood of Main Street, Concord, Massachusetts. Not wishing to continue his month-long stay in America due to the strain he had encountered during the disaster, he later returned to England. He had sent a telegram to his anxious mother, then staying in Scarborough, telling her that he was safe.

Algernon lived in his childhood home, Tranby House, for the rest of his life and was never married, some family indicating that he was gay. He was a member of the East Riding Bench for 35 years, until just one year before his death, and was at one point he was a member of the East Riding County Council. He was held in high esteem in his local community. A reported eccentric with a love of animals, he was also an avid collector of curios.

His mother died on August 29, 1915 and Algernon continued to live with his sister Evelyn until her death on April 29, 1933. Algernon himself was later plagued with chronic respiratory problems and he died on January 7, 1945. He was buried with his sister Evelyn in Mill Lane Cemetery, Kirk Ella, Yorkshire.

His home Tranby House later became a school, Hessle High School, and is now a listed building.

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Mr. Quigg Edmond Baxter, Age 24

Mr. Quigg Edmond Baxter was born in Montreal on July 13, 1887. He was the son of banker James Baxter and his wife, Hélène Baxter (née de Lanaudiére-Chaput).

Quigg was educated by Jesuits at Loyola College, a private boys school in Montreal. He joined the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association when he was 17. In 1911 he dropped out of his first year in Applied Sciences at McGill University to accompany his mother and sister (Hélène Douglas) to Europe. He met and fell in love with a 24-year-old cabaret singer, Berthe Mayné. He was determined to bring Berthe back to Montreal with him, and for the sake of propriety, booked her into a stateroom of her own on Titanic under an assumed name, Mme. DeVilliers.

Quigg boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger on April 10, 1912.

Died: On the night of the sinking, Quigg was in his cabin when his mother, Hélène, demanded to know why the Titanic had stopped in mid ocean. When he stepped outside just before midnight to investigate, he saw Captain Smith talking to Bruce Ismay outside Ismay’s cabin next door. “There’s been an accident, Baxter, but it is all right,” Smith told him. As Smith hurried away to the bridge, Ismay told him to get his mother and sister into the lifeboats. Baxter carried his mother up the grand staircase to Lifeboat 6. Quigg’s girlfriend, Berthe Mayné, didn’t want to get into the boat without him, but Molly Brown convinced her to do so. He waved them away, and drowned in the sinking. His body, if recovered, was never identified.

Quigg’s mother returned to Montreal and never recovered from the effects. She died in her apartment on June 19, 1923 and is buried in the Baxter family plot in Notre Dame de Neiges cemetery.

After the sinking Berthe stayed in Montreal with the Baxter family for several months, then returned to Europe and resumed her career as a singer in Paris. She never married and died on October 11, 1962.

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Mr. Richard Leonard Beckwith, Age 37

Mr. Richard Leonard Beckwith was born in Hartford, Connecticut on November 9, 1874. He was the son of Charles Beckwith (1829-1884), a stock broker, and Hannah Boyds Miller (1842-1891) who had married in June 1864. He had two known siblings.

Richard graduated from Yale in 1898 and worked as a realtor employed by the real estate firm of Ruland & Benjamin. He was married in New York on September 25, 1903 to Sarah “Sallie” Newsom (née Monypeny) a widow with two children, William (b. 1887) and Helen (b. 1892). The couple settled in Manhattan. In early 1912, Richard, Sallie and Helen toured Europe to distract Helen from Karl Behr, a young tennis player of whom the family did not approve.

Richard and Sallie boarded the Titanic at Southampton on April 10, 1912 as first class passengers. Karl Behr boarded at Cherbourg the same day.

Survived: On the night of the sinking the Beckwith party assembled on the starboard Boat Deck following orders to abandon ship. Here they waited with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nelson Kimball and were soon joined by Karl Behr. When Mrs. Kimball asked Bruce Ismay who was then assisting the boarding of Lifeboat 3 if they could all go, Ismay replied “Of course madam, every one of you.” The Beckwiths, Kimballs and Behr therefore entered Lifeboat 3 and were saved.

Following the disaster Richard continued to live in Manhattan and also spent time living, it seems, in New Hampshire. Richard and his wife, Sarah, continued to travel frequently, visiting France, England, Monaco and Italy. Less than a year after the sinking, his step-daughter, Helen, married Karl Behr, the man they disapproved of.

Richard died at his home in Manhattan on April 11, 1933, following a stretch of ill health. He was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Hartford, Connecticut. His wife, Sarah, passed away on February 11, 1955.

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Mr. Thomson Beattie, Age 36

Mr. Thomson Beattie was born on November 25, 1875 in Fergus, a small community west of Toronto. His father was a private banker, and in 1871 was named the Clerk of Wellington County.

After their father died, Thomson and his brother, Charles, took their share of the estate and moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba. There Thomson went into partnership with Richard Waugh, and together they opened the Haslam Land Co. Within five years their enterprise was so successful, Thomson was able to buy a substantial house in an upscale neighborhood.

In January 1912, Thomson, his friends Thomas McCaffry and John Hugo Ross, sailed from New York to Trieste for vacation. By March, John had become ill and they decided to sail home on Titanic. Thomson boarded as a first class passenger at Southampton and shared a cabin with Thomas.

Died: On the night of the sinking, Thomson must have been on the roof near the officer’s quarters, near the last available life raft, Collapsible A, when the ship went down. He scrambled aboard, made it into the boat, but died of exposure. When Harold Lowe emptied the boat, there were three bodies, including Thomson’s, left behind.

Thomson’s body was buried at sea on his mother’s birthday, almost at the same spot in the Atlantic where she had been born 82 years earlier on a ship bound for Canada.

He is remembered on a stone in the family plot in Fergus, Ontario.

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Miss Ellen Bird, Age 31

Miss Ellen Bird was born in Old Buckenham, England on April 8, 1881. She was the daughter of Samuel Bird (b. 1842), a farmer and shepherd, and Mary Ann Clarke (b. 1842) who married in early 1864. Ellen had ten siblings.

Ellen, along with most her siblings, went out to work at a very early age and by 1901 she was a servant in Surrey, England. In 1912, Ellen was living in London where she was employed by Mrs. Ida Straus. The Strauses had been in Europe since January 1912 and were trying to find a new maid to bring back to New York. After another British maid had left them, Ida hired Ellen. In a letter from Ida Straus to her children she expressed her wish that this new girl work out.

Ellen boarded the Titanic at Southampton with the Strauses as a first class passenger.

Survived: After the collision, as her employer, Mrs. Straus, dithered over whether or not to enter a boat, she handed Ellen some of her jewelry but then decided to take it back. Ida also gave Ellen her fur coat, saying that she would not be needing it. Ellen Bird boarded Lifeboat 8 and was saved.

After being rescued, Ellen tried to give Mrs. Straus’ fur coat back to the family, specifically to Sara Straus Hess, the Straus’ eldest daughter. Sara told Ellen that Ida had given her the coat and she should keep it.

Ellen went to work for the family of Frederic Spedden of Tuxedo Park, New York. The Speddens were also on the Titanic and had also traveled to Europe in January 1912, coincidentally on the same ship as Isidor and Ida Straus. She would remain in their employ until her marriage.

Ellen was married on June 3, 1914 in Manhattan to Julian Edward Beattie (b. 1881), a London-born man who worked as a yacht captain and also in the hotel trade. They went on to have just one child, a daughter named Gwendolyn, who died at the age of two. Ellen and Edward had no further children.

Ellen became a naturalised citizen in 1938. She died in a rest home in Newport, Rhode Island on September 11, 1949. She was buried in Acushnet Cemetery in Bristol, Massachusetts.

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Mrs. Helen Bishop, Age 19

Mrs. Helen Bishop (née Walton) was born on May 19, 1892 in Sturgis, Michigan. She was the daughter of Gerald Walton, a successful businessman.

On November 7, 1911 she married Dickinson Bishop. Dickinson Bishop was a wealthy young widower whose first wife had willed him a major share in the Round Oak Stove Company in Dowagiac, Michigan. The newlyweds were returning from a four-month honeymoon trip to Egypt, Italy, France and Algiers, delaying their departure so they could return on the new Titanic. Helen was newly pregnant with the couple’s first child.

Helen and Dickinson boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg on April 10, 1912 as first class passengers.

Survived: Helen had already retired and her husband Dick was reading in their stateroom when the Titanic struck the iceberg. Helen reported that she did not hear or feel any shock and it was several minutes until someone came to their door and told them to come on deck. Helen dressed and then went on deck, where officers told them they might as well go back to their cabin as there was no danger.

After they returned to their stateroom and prepared for bed, they were again summoned, this time by their friend, Albert Stewart, who expressed concern about the now noticeable list the ship had taken. They quietly dressed again and went on deck where they found only a few people there. Helen asked Dickinson to return to their stateroom and recover her muff. As he was going about that, Helen came into the cabin and told him that they had been ordered to don their life vests. Returning to deck, they were put into the first lifeboat (No. 7); Helen was reported as being the first person to board. She later claimed to have heard the order “all brides and grooms may board” and that three other newly married couples boarded as well.

On December 8, 1912, Helen gave birth to a baby boy, Randall Walton Bishop, but the infant died two days later. On November 15, 1913, Helen and Dick were returning to Dowagiac from Kalamazoo, Michigan, when their car went out of control and struck a tree. Helen suffered a severely fractured skull and was not expected to live. She recovered with a steel plate placed in her skull, but the accident caused a change in her mental condition and their marriage suffered. In January 1916, the couple divorced.

Three months later Helen fell while visiting friends in Danville, Illinois. On March 16, 1916, she died and was buried in Sturgis, Michigan. The article announcing her death was on the front page of the Dowagiac Daily News. Ironically the marriage of Dickinson Bishop to his third wife, Sidney Boyce of Chicago, appeared on the very same page.

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Mr. Mauritz Hokan Björnström-Steffansson, Age 28

Mr. Mauritz Håkan Björnström-Steffansson was born November 9, 1883 in Sweden. He was the son of Erik Samuel Steffansson, one of the pioneers of the Swedish pulp industry, and Berta Maria Björnström.

After finishing his studies at Stockholm’s technical university, Mauritz got a job at the Rydö sulphite plant. Since 1909 he had been living in Washington state as the holder of a Swedish government scholarship. He is also recorded as being a Swedish military attaché in Washington; however, in an interview he said: “…I should wish that you strongly would deny the rumors spread in the American newspapers that I am an attaché at the Washington embassy.”

He boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger on April 10, 1912.

Survived: Just prior to the collision Mauritz had been drinking a hot lemonade in the first class smoking room with other gentlemen. There was a slight jar but he barely noticed and returned to his drink while others went off to investigate. He knew nothing of the danger until an officer came in and ordered pasengers to get their lifebelts and report on the Boat Deck.

While Björnström-Steffansson was on deck he joined fellow first class passenger Hugh Woolner to assist women, among them Mrs. Edward Candee, into Lifeboat 6. Later, Woolner and Mauritz heard pistol shots. They were fired by Purser Herbert McElroy to prevent a rush on Collapsible D which had just been fitted into the davits previously occupied by Lifeboat 1. The men rushed over and helped the officer pull men out of the boat and loading soon resumed.

By 2:00 a.m. the two men found themselves alone near the open forward end of A Deck. Just above them Lifeboat D was slowly descending towards the sea; as the water rushed up the deck towards them they got onto the railing and leapt into the boat, Mauritz landing in a heap at the bow. Woolner’s landing was similarly undignified, but they were safe.

Mauritz married Miss Mary Pinchot Eno in 1917. The couple had no children. Mary died in 1953 and Mauritz died May 21, 1962. He left a fortune from pulp and land investments to his nephew, Thord B. Steffanson.

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Mr. Henry Blank, Age 39

Mr. Henry Blank was born in Providence, Rhode Island on September 17, 1872, the son of Henry Blank Sr. and Hortense Lowenather.

Henry began working for a jewelry manufacturer as a teenager in Newark. He was apprenticed to the jeweler, became a goldsmith and subsequently, a platinumsmith, all before he was 21. He later formed a limited partnership in the Newton E. Whiteside & Company in the city of Newark. In 1895, Henry Blank married Phoebe Eve Miller. They eventually became the parents of six sons and one daughter.

In the spring of 1912, Henry Blank traveled to Europe to meet with watch movement manufacturers in Switzerland and stone dealers in Paris, Belgium and Amsterdam. On his return home, Henry made reservations in Paris to embark on the maiden voyage of the Titanic. He boarded at Cherbourg as a first class passenger.

Survived: When the Titanic struck the iceberg at 11:40 p.m., Henry only remembered having felt “a slight jar.” Henry went below to look for trouble. On the F Deck he saw seawater entering the squash racquet court. Henry was among the first to arrive on the starboard Boat Deck and was assisted into Lifeboat 7, the first lifeboat to be lowered.

The next morning, Henry quickly wired his family that he was safe but the message never reached them. It was not until Henry was reunited with his wife, Phoebe, at the Hotel Seville in New York City, that she and her family believe that their husband and father had been saved.

Henry Blank returned to his firm, and prospered further in later years. He never liked to discuss the Titanic disaster, and his only relic from the disaster was a White Star Line playing card that he saved from his card game in the smoking room. The card is still preserved by his descendants today.

Phoebe never let her husband travel to Europe alone again and accompanied him on all of his future trips. She died in 1942. Henry died from pneumonia on March 17, 1949. He was buried in the family plot in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania.

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Miss Elizabeth Bonnell, Age 61

Miss Elizabeth Bonnell was born in Bradford, England on July 29, 1850. She was the daughter of John Fearnley Bonnell (1819-1876) and Alice Elizabeth Duffill (1826-1896) who were married in 1848.

Elizabeth, known as Lily, never married and continued to live with her likewise unmarried sisters Jane and Mary in Lancashire. She was a prominent member of the South and East Branch of the Women’s Unionist League. Well known in local musical circles, she was a member of a chorus and St. James’ Church, Birkdale as well as involved in several local charities.

Elizabeth joined the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger. She was planning to visit family in Youngstown, Ohio and was traveling with her niece, Caroline Bonnell.

Survived: After the collision, niece Caroline Bonnell found Elizabeth in her stateroom and brought her up to A Deck where they had been instructed to gather. They were placed in Lifeboat 8.

Elizabeth and Caroline stayed at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City after leaving the rescue ship, Carpathia. She would later file a claim of $1,500 for loss of property against the White Star Line.

Elizabeth returned to England and would live in Birkdale for the rest of her life. It seems she continued to travel well into her advanced age, with one trip to New York aboard Laconia departing from Southampton on May 24, 1930 and a further arrival into Liverpool from Bombay, India aboard the Franconia on August 1 that same year.

Elizabeth died on February 20, 1936.

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Miss Elsie Edith Bowerman, Age 22

Miss Elsie Edith Bowerman was born in Tunbridge Wells, Kent on December 18, 1889. She was the daughter of William Bowerman and his wife Edith Martha Barber. Elsie was an only child and her father died when she was only 5 years old. Elsie’s mother remarried and the family moved to Sussex.

In 1901, when Elsie was 11 years old, she was the youngest girl at Wycombe Abbey, a prestigious Church of England girls’ boarding school in Buckinghamshire. Around 1910 she and her mother became active members of Mrs. Pankhurst’s Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU), which campaigned vigorously for women’s suffrage.

On April 10, Elsie and her mother Edith boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers for a trip to America and Canada.

Survived: Elsie and her mother were rescued in Lifeboat 6. After reaching America they did not abandon their travel plans but journeyed across the country, up to a ranch in British Columbia, to the Klondike and Alaska.

In September 1916 Elsie became an orderly in a Scottish women’s hospital unit which served Serbian and Russian armies in Romania. Arriving just as the allies were defeated, her unit joined the retreat northwards to the Russian frontier. In March 1917 Elsie was in St. Petersburg and witnessed the Russian Revolution at first hand; she kept a diary in which she recorded the momentous events.

Elsie returned to England in 1917 and continued her suffragist work. She traveled nationwide with the Pankhursts as an organizer of mass meetings at which suffrage leaders gave patriotic speeches to encourage men to join the Armed Forces and women to volunteer for war work.

After the Armistice in 1918, Elsie became secretary of the Women’s Guild of Empire. But her principal interest was now the law, in which she gained an MA, and was admitted to the bar in 1924. She practiced until 1938 on the South Eastern Circuit.

As the Second World War approached, Elsie gave up her legal practice to join the Women’s Voluntary Services for which she worked for 2 years. After a short period at the Ministry of Information she began work with the Overseas Services of the BBC, remaining there for over 3 years. In 1947 she returned to the United States to help set up the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

During the 1950s Elsie returned to live in St. Leonards-on-Sea to be near her elderly mother. When her mother Edith died, Elsie, then 64, retired to a country house near Hailsham.

Elsie suffered a stroke in 1972 and died at home on October 18, 1973. She was buried in the family grave with her parents in Hastings cemetery. She left an estate worth £143,000.

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Mr. Emil Franklin Brandeis, Age 48

Mr. Emil Franklin Brandeis was born in Manitowoc, Wisconsin on March 15, 1864. He was one of four children born to Jonas Leopold Brandeis (1834-1903) and Francesca Teweles (1845-1905), both Jewish immigrants who married around 1862. His father was the founder of a successful dry goods merchant, J. L. Brandeis & Sons.

After school, Emil worked at his father’s store. The family later moved to Omaha, Nebraska where his father founded the Brandeis Department Store. In 1885, Emil became a member of the firm, where he eventually directed the planning, building and maintenance of the Brandeis buildings. He was never married.

Emil left Omaha in late January 1912 to visit his niece in Italy. Due to return to the United States in May, he altered his plans to sail two weeks early and boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger.

Died: Emil died in the sinking. His body was later recovered by the Mackay-Bennett.

Emil is buried with his parents, siblings Hugo and Sarah, and several nieces and nephews in a family plot in Pleasant Hill Jewish Cemetery, Omaha.

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Mrs. Emma Eliza Bucknell, Age 58

Mrs. Emma Eliza Bucknell (née Ward) was born in Bengal, India in 1852 to the Reverend William Ward (1821-1873), a Baptist missionary, and his wife Cordelia Heffron (d. 1859). She had two known siblings.

In 1871 she was married to William Robert Bucknell (b. April 1, 1811), who was forty years older. Bucknell was a real estate dealer and agent, builder of gas and water works, owner of coal and iron mines, and patron of Bucknell University. Emma was widowed on March 5, 1890 and inherited a fortune from her late husband which she used both to globetrot and visit Italy to see her daughter, the Countess Pecorini.

In late 1911 she traveled to visit her daughter. For her return home, she boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passenger with her maid Albina Bassani.

Survived: On the night of the sinking Emma and her maid Albina were rescued in Lifeboat 8. In the lifeboat she helped row until her hands were blistered.

In later years Emma divided her time between her home Pine Point Lodge and her winters in Florida. She died, following a long illness, at her home in New York on June 27, 1927 and was later buried in Erieville Cemetery, Nelson, New York, where her parents were also laid to rest.

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Major Archibald Willingham Butt, Age 46

Major Archibald Willingham Butt was born on September 26, 1865 in Augusta, Georgia to Joshua Willingham Butt and Pamela Robertson Butt (née Boggs). Archibald began a career in journalism and eventually became secretary of the Mexican Embassy with General “Matt” Ransom.

In 1898 Archibald decided to make the military a second career. He served in the Philippines and Cuba before becoming a military aide to President Theodore Roosevelt in 1908. Butt’s health began to deteriorate in 1912 because of his attempts to remain neutral during the bitter personal quarrel between Roosevelt and Taft. Needing rest, he took six weeks’ leave from the White House and sailed for Europe with his close friend, and probable partner, Francis Millet.

Archibald was returning home to DC when he boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger.

Died: Archibald’s actions while the ship sank are largely unverified, but many accounts of a sensationalist nature were published by newspapers immediately after the disaster. One account had the ship’s captain, Edward J. Smith, telling him that the ship was doomed, after which Archibald began to act like a ship’s officer and supervised the loading and lowering of lifeboats. The New York Times also claimed that Archibald herded women and children into lifeboats. Another account said that Archibald, a gun in his hand, prevented panicked male passengers from storming the lifeboats. Yet another version of events said Archibald yanked a man out of one of the lifeboats so that a woman could board. One account tells of Archibald preventing desperate steerage passengers from breaking into the first class areas in an attempt to escape the sinking ship. Walter Lord’s book A Night to Remember disagrees with claims that he acted like an officer. Lord says Archibald most likely observed the ship’s evacuation quietly.

Even Archibald’s final moments remain in dispute. Dr. Washington Dodge says he saw John Jacob Astor and Archibald standing near the bridge as the ship went down. Dodge’s account is highly unlikely, as his lifeboat was more than a half mile away from the ship at the time it sank. Other eyewitnesses say they saw him standing calmly on deck or standing side-by-side with Astor waving goodbye. Several accounts had Archibald returning to the smoking room, where he stood quietly or resumed his card game. But these accounts have been disputed by author John Maxtone-Graham.

Archibald died in the sinking; what happened to his body is unknown. On May 2, 1912 a memorial service was held in his home with President Taft speaking at the service. Several memorials were created over the years, including in Arlington Cemetery, the Washington National Cathedral, and the Butt-Millet Memorial Fountain located near the White House.

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Mrs. Helen Churchill Candee, Age 52

Mrs. Helen Churchill Candee (née Hungerford) was born in New York City on October 5, 1859. She was the daughter of Henry Hungerford and Mary E. Churchill. She married Edward Candee and had two children, Edith and Harold. Edward turned out to be abusive and when he abandoned his family, Helen supported them as a writer for popular magazines. She obtained a divorce in 1896.

Helen moved to Washington, DC where she became a professional interior decorator; her clients included President Theodore Roosevelt. Helen also contributed to many of the leading literary and political journals of the day and published eight books. In 1912, Helen went to Europe to conduct research for her next novel when her daughter wrote her that her son had been injured in an accident.

Helen boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger to travel home to her son.

Survived: Since baggage and personal items were not allowed aboard the lifeboats, Candee gave two precious items, an ivory cameo miniature of her mother and a small flask of brandy, to a male friend who had pockets. These were later retrieved from his floating remains and, in 2006, sold at auction for around $80,000 for the locket and $40,000 for the flask. Candee was able to board Lifeboat 6 but fell and fractured her ankle in the process. She manned the oars of the lifeboat.

Helen’s Titanic injury required her to walk with a cane for almost a year, but by March 1913, she was able to join other feminist equestriennes in the “Votes for Women” parade down Pennsylvania Avenue, riding her horse at the head of the procession that culminated at the steps of Capitol Hill.

During World War I, Candee worked as a nurse in Rome and Milan under the auspices of the Italian Red Cross, which decorated her for her service. One of her patients in Milan was Ernest Hemingway. After the war, she traveled to Japan, China, Indonesia, and Cambodia, and her adventures became the basis for two of her most celebrated books: Angkor the Magnificent (1924) and New Journeys in Old Asia (1927). Helen was honored by the French government and the King of Cambodia for these works; she was also commanded to give a reading of Angkor to King George V and Queen Mary at Buckingham Palace.

The success of Angkor and New Journeys led to a prosperous secondary career for Helen as a lecturer on the Far East, while she continued her work as a journalist. She was briefly Paris editor for Arts & Decoration (1920–21) and remained on that publication’s editorial advisory staff for several years.

In 1925, Helen was among the nine founding members of the Society of Woman Geographers. As late as 1935-36, when she was almost 80, Candee was still traveling abroad, writing articles for National Geographic magazine.

Helen died in York, Maine on August 23, 1949.

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Miss Lucile Polk Carter, Age 13

Miss Lucile Polk Carter was born October 20, 1898. She was the daughter of William Ernest Carter (b. 1875) and Lucile Carter (b. 1875) who had married in 1896. Her father was an extremely wealthy American who inherited a fortune from his father. Her mother was a descendent of President James K. Polk and a socialite from Baltimore. Lucile also had a younger brother, William Thornton Carter (b. 1900).

The family had moved to Europe in 1907, but returned annually to their mansion at Bryn Mawr, near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was on one of these return trips that they booked passage on the Titanic. Lucile’s father had brought his 25 horsepower Renault automobile on board.

The Carter family boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers.

Survived: After the collision the Carters joined some of the other prominent first class passengers as they waited for the boats to be prepared for lowering. Her father, William Carter, saw his family safely into Lifeboat 4. Then, he was eventually able to escape. At around 2 a.m. he was standing near the officer’s quarters. Collapsibles A and B remained lashed to the roof but boats C and D had been freed and were being loaded. At one point a group of men desperately tried to rush boat C. Purser Herbert McElroy fired his pistol and the culprits were removed. Loading with women and children progressed but eventually no more could be found and as the boat was released for lowering Carter and another man stepped in. The other passenger was J. Bruce Ismay.

After she grew up, Lucile later married Samuel J. Reeves. The couple had a daughter and a son.

Lucile died at her daughter’s home in Summerville, South Carolina on October 19, 1962. She was buried at Valley Forge Memorial Park, Pennsylvania.

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Mrs. Julia Florence Cavendish, Age 25

Mrs. Julia Florence Cavendish (née Siegel) was born on November 3, 1886 in Chicago, Illinois. She was the daughter of Henry Siegel (b. 1852), a prominent businessman of Russian birth, and Julia Rosenbaum (b. 1862), who had married in Chicago on December 8, 1885.

She was married to Tyrell William Cavendish, an aristocratic gentleman from Staffordshire, England. The couple returned to Britain, arriving in England on January 14, 1907 and had two sons: Henry Siegel (b. 1908) and Geoffrey Manners (b. 1910).

Julia boarded the Titanic at Southampton with her husband and her maid Ellen Mary Barber as first class passengers. They were traveling to visit Julia’s father at his country home, Orienta Point, in Mamaroneck, New York.

Survived: Julia and her maid Ellen were rescued in Lifeboat 6. However, her husband, Tyrell, was lost in the sinking. His body was later recovered and forwarded to New York for cremation.

Julia and Ellen returned to England. She never remarried and would cross the Atlantic many times over the following years. Julia later lived at Crakemarsh Hall in Staffordshire, her husband’s childhood home, and she died there on January 16, 1963.

Both her sons were later married and raised families. Henry served in World War II and died in 1995. Geoffrey died in 2007.

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Mrs. Carrie Constance Chaffee, Age 47

Mrs. Carrie Constance Chaffee (née Toogood) was born on August 28, 1864 in Manchester, Iowa.

In 1886 she entered Oberlin College in Ohio where she studied at the Conservatory of Music and the College of Art. In 1887 she met Herbert Chaffee. They were married on December 21, 1887 and a son was born on September 28, 1888. Earlier that year they had moved to North Dakota where Herbert took charge of the family farming business, so neither Carrie nor Herbert graduated Oberlin. Trained in music, Carrie gave voice lessons to the children of prairie farmers while managing a complex household and giving birth to five additional children.

Carrie and her husband boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers. They were returning from a European trip to their home in Amenia, North Dakota.

Survived: Carrie was rescued from the Titanic in Lifeboat 4, but her husband, Herbert, was lost.

After his death Carrie took an active role in managing the Land Company’s assets. However, she disagreed with the other remaining family members on business strategy. In 1922 the company was dissolved and its assets distributed. Carrie was also a leader in charitable work in North Dakota and in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She was a charter member of, and active in, the American-Chinese Education Committee, Canton, China.

Carrie died July 4, 1931 in Amenia, North Dakota.

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Mr. Norman Campbell Chambers, Age 27

Mr. Norman Campbell Chambers was born on April 27, 1884 in Olean, New York. He was the son of James Campbell Chambers and Jeannette Hargleroad. Norman’s father was a United States Counsel and was stationed overseas.

Norman worked as a mechanical engineer. He was married between 1905 and 1910 to Bertha M. Griggs. Bertha was born on October 10, 1879 in Friendship, New York. She was the daughter of Ira D. Griggs and Elma Call. Norman and Bertha remained childless and divided their time between traveling extensively and their homes in Manhattan and Ithaca, where Bertha’s mother lived.

Norman and Bertha boarded the Titanic at Southampton on April 10, 1912.

Survived: On the night of the sinking, Norman and Bertha were in bed at the time of the collision. Bertha asked her husband to go and investigate, which he did, ascending to starboard A Deck but finding nothing amiss. He returned to the cabin and both he and Bertha went out to investigate again, noting that the ship was starting to list to starboard. They returned to their stateroom to finish dressing and at the end of the passage saw the mail clerks, wet to their knees. After some jovial exchange with the mail clerks three officers came down and reported that the ship was not taking any more water. Norman and Bertha returned to their stateroom and their steward came by and told them they could go back to bed. He finished dressing and Bertha again went out, soon returning after being informed by another passenger that the call had been given out for people to put on lifebelts and assemble on the Boat Deck. Her husband went out and found their steward, who verified the order.

On their way up to the Boat Deck a steward passed steamer rugs to the couple; they waited on the forward starboard Boat Deck. Bertha soon entered Lifeboat 5, calling for her husband to join her, which he did. The couple survived the sinking and returned to New York aboard Carpathia.

Bertha and Norman continued to travel frequently until Bertha’s death on October 18, 1959.

Norman was married again to Isabel M. Cosgrove. Isabel was born January 2, 1909 in New York City. She had been previously married in 1930 to Dennis Theodore Cosgrove but they had divorced.

In the winter of 1966 Norman and Isabel were on vacation at the Hotel Estoril-Sol in Cascais, Portugal. Norman died there on February 9, 1966 following a cerebral thrombosis. He is buried in the Kensico Cemetery in Valhalla, New York.

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Miss Gladys Cherry, Age 30

Miss Gladys Cherry was born in London, England at the Royal Naval College on August 27, 1881. She was the daughter of James Frederick Cherry (b. 1842), a civil clerk and librarian, and Lady Emily Louisa Haworth-Leslie (b. 1852), the daughter of Mary Elizabeth, the 18th Countess of Rothes. They had married in Chelsea on April 25, 1871. Gladys was the youngest of three children.

Gladys’ father passed away on January 3, 1884. At the time the family were living at The Maples in Blackheath, Kent, and her father had been in the service of the Admiralty Department of the Civil Service. Her mother never remarried.

Gladys boarded the Titanic at Southampton with her cousin the Countess of Rothes and her maid Roberta Maioni.

Survived: Gladys, her cousin, the Countess of Rothes, and her maid Roberta escaped in Lifeboat 8.

Gladys returned to England and in 1928 was married to George Octavius Shaw Pringle (b. 1867), a retired Royal Artillery Major. George had been born in Edinburgh and had served in the Royal Artillery in Kent in the 1890s as a Lieutenant with Thomas St. Aubyn Barrett Lennard Nevinson, the future husband of another Titanic survivor, Mary Natalie Wick.

Gladys and her husband, who remained childless, settled in Godalming, Surrey. George Pringle died on August 17, 1952. Gladys herself died in Godalming on May 4, 1965. She was cremated and her ashes scattered on a flower bed at her home.

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Mr. Paul Romaine Marie Léonce Chevré, Age 45

Mr. Paul Romaine Chevré was born in Brussels of French parents in 1867. Paul demonstrated an aptitude for sculpture. He had his first exhibition in Paris in 1890, and in 1896 he won a commission to produce a monumental sculpture to the memory of Canada’s founder, Samuel de Champlain. The statue stands in Quebec City on the Dufferin terrace beside the Chateau Frontenac.

Charles Hays had commissioned Paul to do a bust of Canadian prime minister Sir Wilfrid Laurier for the lobby of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway’s Château Laurier Hotel in Ottawa. Paul purchased tickets on the Titanic on his way to Canada for the official opening of the hotel on April 26.

Paul boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger.

Survived: On the evening of the disaster, Paul was playing cards in the Café Parisien with Pierre Maréchal and Alfred Fernand Omont and Lucien P. Smith. When the ship stopped, Paul thought it too cold to go outside to investigate, and asked a steward to open a porthole and have a look. Even though the accident didn’t appear to be serious, Paul and Alfred pocketed their cards and decided to get into one of the first lifeboats being lowered, No. 7. Some of their companions chided them for getting into the boat, but Paul wasn’t taking any chances.

Paul arrived in Montreal on April 22 and remained in Quebec for six months after the sinking where he obtained the commission to do the statue of Marianne which stands outside the Union Française in Montreal facing Viger Square. Afterwards, Paul, who had previously spent each summer for the past fourteen years in Canada, returned to France and never sailed again.

Paul died in Paris on February 20, 1914.

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Mr. Roderick Robert Crispin Chisholm, Age 43

Mr. Roderick Robert Crispin Chisholm was born in Dumbarton, Scotland on December 20, 1868. He was the son of a Scottish father, James Chisholm (b. 1832), a shipwright, and an English mother Sophia Voaden (b. 1841) who had married in Devon in 1860.

Roderick worked as a ship draughtsman. His duties would take him to Belfast, Ireland in the later 1890s and he worked for Harland & Wolff, the shipbuilding company that oversaw the Titanic’s construction. He was married in Lisburn in 1897 to Susan Anderson (b. 1874) and the couple had two children: Alice (b. 1897) and James (b. 1899).

Roderick was one of the nine-strong “guarantee group” of Harland & Wolff employees chosen to oversee the smooth running of Titanic’s maiden voyage. He boarded at Belfast.

Died: Roderick, like the rest of his counterparts, died in the sinking. His body, if recovered, was never identified. His estate, worth £140, 5s, 6d, was administered to his widow on June 10, 1912.

His widow Susan died on February 22, 1961. She is buried in Roselawn Cemetery, Belfast with her son James. Roderick’s daughter Alice was married in Belfast in 1919 to Alfred McCambley (1894-1976) and she raised a family. She died on February 11, 2002, aged 104, and is buried in Roselawn Cemetery, Belfast.

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Miss Harriette Rebecca Crosby, Age 39

Miss Harriette Rebecca Crosby was born in New York on October 8, 1872. She was the daughter of Edward Gifford Crosby and Catherine Elizabeth Halstead. Harriette was married, around 1892, to Marvin Giles. Unfortunately, the marriage failed and they eventually divorced.

In 1910 Harriette travelled to Paris to study music together with her friend Lily Brand. At a party in Paris she met Edouard Bourdois and they became lovers. On February 11, 1912, she gave birth to a baby girl, Andree. Her father and mother traveled to Paris to bring Harriette back to New York. They left the newborn child to be cared for by a nanny at a Paris boarding school.

Harriette, her father Edward and mother Catherine boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers.

Survived: Harriette and her mother Catherine were rescued in Lifeboat 7. Her father, Edward, died in the sinking.

Harriette was reunited with her daughter, Andree, a year later. By this time, her relationship with Andree’s father Edouard had soured and the two never married. After Andree was grown and married, Harriette moved from Milwaukee to California, where she lived for a time with her daughter, until her death from cancer, in Los Angeles on February 11, 1941.

It was Harriette’s wish to be interred with her mother and father but at the time her daughter could not afford the cost of reopening the crypt. Therefore Harriette’s body was cremated and her ashes interred in an adjacent crypt in Fairview Mausoleum, Milwaukee. In 1995 the mausoleum, which had fallen into disrepair, was opened. In 1997 the remains of Captain Crosby, his wife and daughter were re-interred together at Graceland Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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Mr. Robert Williams Daniel, Age 27

Mr. Robert Williams Daniel was born on September 11, 1884 in Richmond, Virginia to James Robertson Vivian and Hallie Wise Daniel (née Williams). Robert was the great-great-grandson of Edward Randolph, the first Attorney General of the United States.

Robert graduated from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville in 1903 and embarked on a career in banking and management. In 1906, Robert and a fellow district manager of Maryland Life, Charles Palmer Stearns, formed the insurance firm Daniel and Stearns. By 1911, Robert Daniel traveled frequently to Europe on business.

Robert was en route back to Philadelphia with a newly-purchased French bulldog when he boarded the Titanic in Southampton as a first class passenger.

Survived: Robert survived the tragedy, though the precise manner of his escape remains a controversial matter. Descriptions varied in the press including at least one account that he swam completely nude in the North Atlantic for a number of hours before being picked up by a lifeboat. It is possible – and much more plausible – that he simply boarded one of the early lifeboats launched from the starboard side of the stricken liner. His new dog, however, was lost in the sinking.

Sometime during the remainder of the crossing spent aboard the rescue ship Carpathia, Robert befriended the eighteen-year-old widow Eloise Hughes Smith of Huntington, West Virginia, whose husband of two months had died in the sinking. The two Titanic survivors would ultimately marry on August 18, 1914. Eloise asked for and was granted a divorce from him in March 1923, citing an “unknown blonde woman” in her claim.

Robert would go on to marry Margery Pitt Durant later that same year. Margery was the daughter of automobile king William Durant, who formed General Motors in 1908, created Chevrolet in 1910, and founded the Durant Car Company in 1921. Robert became president of Liberty National Bank in New York, which was also owned by his father-in-law. A daughter, also named Margery, was born to the couple around 1925. The marriage eventually deteriorated, and in July 1928, Margery sued for divorce. The business relationship between Robert and his former father-in-law carried on as usual, with Robert remaining president of the New York branch of Liberty National Bank.

Robert would go on to marry Charlotte Randolph Williams Bemiss in 1929. She bore him a son, Robert Williams Daniel Jr., on March 17, 1936.

Robert succumbed to cirrhosis of the liver on the December 20, 1940.

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Mr. Wyckoff Van Derhoef, Age 61

Mr. Wyckoff Van Derhoef was born in Brooklyn, New York on May 13, 1850. He was the son of William J. Van Derhoef (b. 1819), a jeweler, and his wife Isabella (1827-1908).

Wyckoff, known as Wynn, worked at the Williamsburgh Fire Insurance Company, rising from the role of a clerk to the company secretary by 1910 and then the largest shareholder in that institution. He was married around 1888 to New York-born Laura Ellen Newell (b. 1855). The couple soon had twin sons, Marshall and Newell (b. March 29, 1889) and the family lived in Brooklyn.

Wynn was returning to New York following a visit to his sister in Europe. Wynn was the only passenger to board at Belfast, the delivery trip from where the Titanic was built to where it picked up passengers. He boarded the vessel again at Southampton as a first class passenger.

Died: Wynn died in the sinking and his body was recovered by the Mackay-Bennett and delivered to a relative, Mr. Daniel Chauncey, for forwarding to New York.

Wynn was buried at the Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn. Coincidentally, he is buried within a few hundred feet of Mr. George Harder and his wife Dorothy, both of whom survived the Titanic disaster.

His widow Laura never remarried and remained living in Brooklyn where she died on March 17, 1925. Both his sons became businessmen; Marshall died in New York in 1954 and Newell in Los Angeles in 1959.

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Mrs. Vera Dick, Age 17

Mrs. Vera Dick (née Gillespie) was born in Calgary, Canada on June 12, 1894. She was the daughter of Frederick William Gillespie and his wife Annie.

Vera married Albert Adrian Dick on May 31, 1911 when Albert was 30 years old. He was a successful hotel owner and real estate tycoon in Alberta. Bert took his wife on a belated honeymoon to the Holy Land and on a grand tour of Europe. They had returned through London to pick up reproduction antiques for their new Tudor-style home.

Vera and Bert booked passage home on Titanic as first class passengers. They boarded the ship at Southampton.

Survived: Vera and Albert were getting ready for bed when the ship hit the iceberg, and felt nothing. They were made aware of the accident when a steward knocked on their door and told them to dress. Both were escorted to Lifeboat 3 by Thomas Andrews, who saw them off. According to Bert, he and his wife were locked in a farewell embrace, when he was pushed into the lifeboat with her. As the boat jerked towards the water, the couple wondered whether it might not capsize and whether they might not be safer had they not left the ship.

When they returned to Calgary, Bert was ostracized because he had survived. His name was tarnished by gossip that he had dressed as a woman to get off the ship. His hotel business suffered, so he sold it and continued to make money in real estate. Vera studied music at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto, and was well known as a vocalist in Calgary. They had one daughter, Gilda.

Albert died on June 2, 1970. Vera died on October 7, 1973. Both are buried in Calgary’s Union cemetery.

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Mrs. Mary Hélène Douglas, Age 27

Mrs. Mary Hélène Douglas (née Baxter) was born in Montreal on April 4, 1885. She was the daughter of James Baxter, a wealthy diamond merchant and banker, and Hélène Baxter, who had married in 1882. She was raised in the affluent Square Mile district of the city and went by the nickname ‘Zette.

When she was 24 she married Fred Charles Douglas, a medical doctor. ‘Zette’s mother financed a medical clinic so that Douglas could go into business for himself. Her mother also paid for his post graduate studies in London in 1910. ‘Zette’s mother’s interference caused problems in their marriage. In the spring of 1911, Zette decided, against her husband’s wishes, to go to Europe with her mother and her younger brother Quigg.

For her return home, she boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger.

Survived: ‘Zette survived the sinking in Lifeboat 6 with her mother, Hélène. When she returned to Montreal she contracted a mild case of polio and needed a leg brace to walk. Her husband, Fred, became an alcoholic and lost his hospital privileges and eventually moved to Sherbrooke, Quebec. After her mother died in 1923, ‘Zette left her husband and went to live with a Montreal stockbroker, Edgar Cole Richardson.

In the early 1930s they moved to Redlands, California until her death there on December 31, 1954.

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Mrs. Mahala Douglas, Age 48

Mrs. Mahala Douglas (née Dutton) was born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on January 26, 1864. She was the daughter of Rollin Henry Dutton (1827-1876), a boarding house keeper, and Sophia Mahala Bradford (b. 1838), a native of Vermont.

Mahala was married on December 10, 1891 to Lewis Grant Benedict (1860-1933). The marriage produced no children and they were later divorced. Mahala was then remarried in New York on November 6, 1906 to Walter Donald Douglas (b. 1861).

The Douglases had built a mansion and the couple took off on a three-month tour of Europe to find furnishings for their new home.

For their return to the United States, Mahala and Walter boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg.

Survived: Mahala described the night of the sinking as clear and calm, so much so that the idea of any impending disaster was far from her mind. She was in her stateroom with her husband, Walter, when they felt a slight shock, but thought little of it. Following instructions to dress and go up on deck, Mahala and her maid escaped in Lifeboat 2 but her husband reportedly refused to leave until all women and children were accounted for. He died in the diaster.

Mahala never remarried and later spent her time living in Minnesota at different locations, including Minneapolis and Deep Haven. She was an active member of Hennepin County Red Cross chapter and a contributor to numerous organizations, in particular the arts.

Mahala died at her holiday home in Pasadena, California following a stroke on April 21, 1945. She was interred in Oak Hill Cemetery, Cedar Rapids, Iowa with her husband.

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Lady Lucy Christiana Duff-Gordon, Age 48

Lady Lucy Christiana Duff-Gordon (née Sutherland) was born on June 13, 1863.

She first married James Stuart Wallace at age 18 and had a child. They divorced seven years later in 1888 and she was left virtually penniless. To make some money to support herself she started a dressmaking business, which became a huge success. By 1900 her shop grew into ‘The Maison Lucile,’ one of the great couture houses of London with stores also in New York, Paris and Chicago. Lucy took on Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon as a business partner. In 1900 they were married.

She never planned to sail on the Titanic, but urgent business at her shop in New York forced her to take the first available ship across the Atlantic. Lucy and Cosmo boarded at Cherbourg as first class passengers.

Lady Duff-Gordon and her husband, Cosmo, were rescued in Lifeboat 1, which carried only 12 people despite having a capacity of 40.

Sir Cosmo died in 1931 and in 1932 Lady Duff-Gordon published her memoir, Discretions and Indiscretions. Lucy’s business collapsed during the Great Depression, and she died in April 1935. Lucy and her husband were buried at Brookwood Cemetery, near London.

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Mr. William Crothers Dulles, Age 39

Mr. William Crothers Dulles was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on December 21, 1872. He was the son of Andrew Cheves Dulles (1832-1901), a lawyer and insurance agent, and Mary Barlow Cooke Crothers (b. 1849), Pennsylvania natives who were married on April 19, 1870. He had one sibling, a sister, Margaret.

William worked as an attorney in his native Philadelphia and owned a horse-breeding farm in Goshen, New York. A bachelor, William had been traveling in Europe with his mother. However, he would return to the United States without her as she decided to stay with her daughter, Margaret, who lived in Paris.

He boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger.

Died: William died in the sinking. His body was recovered by the Mackay-Bennett and forwarded to R. R. Bringhurst in Philadelphia on May 1, 1912.

William was buried in a private mausoleum at the Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia. Vandals have since damaged the doors to the Dulles mausoleum and knocked out the glass. However, the inside of the mausoleum was not disturbed.

His mother later died on April 7, 1931.

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Mrs. Olive Earnshaw, Age 23

Mrs. Olive Earnshaw (née Potter) was born on September 9, 1888. She was the daughter of Thomas Potter, Jr. and Lily Alexenia Potter (née Wilson). The family resided in Mt. Airy, Pennsylvania.

Olive had married a man named Boulton Earnshaw. Their marriage crumbled, and Olive filed for divorce. In an effort to take her daughter’s mind off the divorce proceedings, Lily Potter took Olive on a European vacation in December 1911. Traveling with them was Miss Margaret Hays of New York City. Olive and Margaret were school friends from Briarcliff School in New York.

For their return to America, they boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passengers.

Survived: Olive, her mother, Margaret Hays (and her dog) and their self-appointed “escort,” Gilbert Milligan Tucker, Jr., boarded Lifeboat 7, which was lowered away at 12:45 a.m.

When the Carpathia arrived in New York, Boulton Earnshaw traveled to Pier 54 to meet his soon-to-be ex-wife, Olive, and the Potter party returned to Philadelphia later that night.

Olive eventually obtained her divorce from her husband and later, like her mother, volunteered her services to the American Red Cross. She would continue her volunteer work for the Red Cross for the rest of her life. In 1920, she remarried Allen P. Crolius, and the couple had two sons, Thomas and Allen. Mr. Crolius died in 1936.

Olive Crolius died of cancer on April 21, 1958. She was buried in the same grave as her mother at Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia.

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Miss Elizabeth Mussey Eustis, Age 54

Miss Elizabeth Mussey Eustis was born in Boston, Massachusetts on March 1, 1858. She was the daughter of William Tracy Eustis (1822-1906) and Martha Gilbert Dutton (1829-1900), who married in 1849. Her father was a businessman and a Civil War veteran. Her mother was the daughter of Henry Worthington Dutton, a Boston City councilor and founder of The Boston Evening Transcript. Elizabeth had six siblings.

Elizabeth never married and lived with her family in Boston and Brookline. In early 1912 Elizabeth and her sister Martha Stephenson went on a tour of southern Europe. For their return to the United States they boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passengers.

Survived: On the night of the disaster the sisters were awakened by a “ripping” sound and Martha decided to slip on a wrap and investigate. However, other noises outside their stateroom made both ladies decide to get fully dressed. Elizabeth and Martha went out into the corridor but a steward advised them to go back to bed. They did not do so, but instead put on street clothes, grabbed their rings and went up on deck. They were on A Deck when all women and children were ordered up to the Boat Deck. They here helped into Lifeboat 4 which was then lowered away.

Undeterred by her experiences on Titanic, Elizabeth made at least one more ocean-going voyage, one being aboard Berengaria in 1927 with her sister Mary. Elizabeth and her sister Mary lived with their brother Henry in Brookline for the rest of their lives and were reportedly very active in civic life.

Elizabeth died on May 17, 1936. She is buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts with her parents and several siblings.

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Miss Edith Corse Evans, Age 36

Miss Edith Corse Evans was born on September 21, 1875 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to a wealthy family. She was the second daughter of lawyer Cadwalader Evans and his wife, women’s rights activist Angeline Burr Corse. She had a sister, Lena Cadwalader Evans, who was a renowned painter.

A long-time resident of New York, Edith remained unmarried and was a member of The Colonial Dames of America. She had great interest in genealogical studies.

Edith had traveled to Paris to visit her cousins. On the way back, she met her aunt by marriage, Malvina Cornell, and Malvina’s sisters, who were returning from a funeral in London. Edith boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger.

Died: When the lifeboats were first being lowered, Edith and Caroline either dismissed the immediate need to board a lifeboat or were simply unaware, as many others were, of the peril of their situation. With few lifeboats left, they arrived at one of the last at 2:09 am. It has commonly been reported that there was not enough room for both of them in it, so Edith persuaded Caroline to get in because Caroline had children, even though she repeatedly refused. However, Walter Lord stated in his 1955 book A Night to Remember that it was hurriedly lowered before Edith could get in. Additionally, Collapsible D, the last functioning lifeboat, was not filled to capacity when lowered and had 30 people aboard when it was designed to accommodate 50. It is not understood whether Edith intentionally stepped aside or not before it was lowered.

Edith went down with the ship, one of only four women from first class who perished. She was never identified among the recovered bodies. On April 22, 1912, a memorial service was held for her at Grace Church in New York City, and a plaque was dedicated in her honor. There is also a plaque in her honor hanging inside of St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Sayville, New York.

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Mrs. Antoinette Flegenheim, Age 48

Mrs. Antoinette Flegenheim (née Wendt) was born in Himmelpfort near Berlin, Germany on May 11, 1863. She was the daughter of Wilhelm, an assistant royal forest keeper, and Pauline Wendt.

Antoinette moved to New York City in 1890 and married Alfred Flegenheim (b. 1869), a fellow German. The couple had no children. Alfred worked as a publisher, working his way up to vice president. He died in Manhattan on November 23, 1907. A wealthy socialite, Antoinette lived in Manhattan and Berlin-Charlottenburg, and would travel back and forth between these two cities several times. It was for one of these trips that she booked passage on the Titanic.

Antoinette boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger. She was traveling alone.

Survived: Antoinette was in bed, and was woken up by the collision. She was rescued in the starboard side Lifeboat 7, the first lifeboat to leave Titanic during the sinking.

Soon after the Titanic disaster, on June 20, 1912, she remarried in New York to Paul Elliot Whitehurst (born in the United Kingdom in around 1878). During World War I she lived in The Hague, Netherlands. It is believed that at some point she separated from and then probably divorced Paul Elliot Whitehurst.

Antoinette died during World War II in Germany on April 8, 1943.

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Miss Margaret Fleming, Age 42

Miss Margaret Fleming was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on January 31, 1870. She was the daughter of Irish immigrants, David Fleming (b. 1833), a laborer, and his wife Margaret (b. 1838), who had emigrated to the United States in the late 1850s. She had five known siblings.

Margaret, known as Maggie, resided with her employers the Thayers in Haverford, Pennsylvania and she had been in their employ since November 1904. She was the personal maid to Ms. Thayer. Mr. Thayer was the second vice president of the Pennsylvania Railroad.

She boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger traveling with her employers and their son Jack. They were returning from a trip to Europe.

Survived: On the night of the sinking Margaret and her employer Mrs.Thayer were directed to Lifeboat 4 which had been lowered flush with A Deck promenade. Goodbyes were exchanged with Mr. Thayer and son Jack at the top of the grand staircase on A Deck and the two ladies went to A Deck promenade where they waited to board Lifeboat 4. The windows separating the passengers and the lifeboat had not been opened and the crowd of prominent ladies and their maids waiting to board were shuffled back and forth between the Boat Deck and the Promenade Deck, much to the annoyance of Mrs. Thayer. Mr. Thayer and his son had been under the impression that both ladies had long since departed until Chief Second Steward George Dodd told them that she was still aboard. He then took them to her. Mrs. Thayer and Margaret eventually left the ship at 1:55 am.

Margaret survived the sinking, along with Mrs. Thayer and her son Jack. John Borland Thayer, Sr. was among the lost. After they disembarked from the Carpathia in New York, Margaret, Marian and Jack made their way to Jersey City, New Jersey where they boarded a private train back to Haverford.

Following the Titanic disaster Margaret remained in the service of Mrs. Thayer for the rest of her life and she was never married. Margaret died on August 24, 1941.

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Mr. John Irwin Flynn, Age 36

Mr. John Irwin Flynn was born on June 20, 1875 in Ontario, Canada. He was the son of James Flynn and Catherine Broadwood. John, who often went by his middle name, Irwin, emigrated to the United States in 1892.

He seems to have first been married, briefly, to Winifred Emaline Douglass. The ceremony took place in Toronto on April 28, 1900. John was married again, in 1901 or 1902, to Sarah Alberta Dutterer. John and Alberta moved to New York City and had a daughter, Virginia Katherine Flynn, born on March 4, 1904. He was a floor manager for a dry goods store while Alberta was a trained nurse.

John was working as a buyer for Gimbel Brothers in New York City. In April 1912 he was returning home from a business trip. He boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger.

Survived: After the collision John woke Edward Calderhead in the adjoining cabin. They then went up to A Deck and after about ten minutes they were told to put on their lifebelts. They returned to their stateroom to get their lifebelts and when they returned to deck, they discovered that the order for launching the lifeboats had been given. The men boarded Lifeboat 5.

John continued to travel frequently for work and eventually moved from New York to the Pittsburgh area. However, his whereabouts have not been determined after 1930. John probably died before 1940. His wife, Sarah Alberta, is thought to have died in 1950.

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Miss Mabel Helen Fortune, Age 23

Miss Mabel Helen Fortune was born on November 3, 1888, in Winnipeg, Canada. She was the daughter of Mark (b. 1847) and Mary Fortune (b. 1851). Mark was a self-made millionaire in the real estate business.

Much to her parents’ chagrin, Mabel had fallen in love with a jazz musician from Minnesota named Harrison Driscoll. Her father hoped to stifle the romance by taking Mabel away on a European vacation for several months.

Mabel boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger. She traveled with her parents, her two sisters, Alice Elizabeth and Ethel Flora, and her brother, Charles Alexander Fortune.

Survived: Mabel’s father and brother were lost in the sinking but the women were rescued in Lifeboat 10.

After the disaster Mabel was undeterred by the trip and married Harrison Driscoll in 1913. The couple had a son, Robert, but the marriage didn’t last long. Shortly afterwards, Mabel left her husband to live with another woman she had met in Ottawa, Charlotte Armstrong. She put her son in boarding school, and for the rest of her life lived with Armstrong in Victoria, British Columbia.

Mabel died in Victoria, British Columbia on February 19, 1968.

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Mr. Mark Fortune, Age 64

Mr. Mark Fortune was born on November 2, 1847 in Carluke, Canada. The son of a farmer, Mark Fortune was a self-made man. In 1871 he moved to the new Canadian province of Manitoba, where he married Mary McDougald and they had six children.

He made his money speculating in real-estate. Mark Fortune never travelled anywhere without a Winnipeg Buffalo Coat, a heavy, moth-eaten fur garment.

His daughter, Mabel, had fallen in love with a jazz musician from Minnesota named Harrison Driscoll. Mark disapproved of the relationship and, by inviting her to come to Europe with the family, had hoped to stifle the romance by taking Mabel away for several months. The Fortune family boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers.

Died: Mark and his son, Charles, were lost in the sinking. His wife, Mary, and their daughters were rescued in Lifeboat 10.

After the disaster Mabel was undetered by the trip and married Harrison Driscoll in 1913. However, their marriage was short-lived.

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Miss Laura Mabel Francatelli, Age 32

Miss Laura Mabel Francatelli was born in London, England in 1880. She was the daughter of Charles Elmé Francatelli
(b. 1852) and Elizabeth Mary Ann Cornell (b. 1853) who had married in 1875. Both her parents hailed from Bermondsey, London and her father worked as a cuisiniere (cook). She had five known siblings.

Laura worked as a secretary to Lady Duff-Gordon, who was a successful dressmaker with stores in London, Paris, New York and Chicago. Lady Duff-Gordon was called on an urgent business matter to travel to her store in New York and purchased travel on the Titanic. As her secretary, Laura accompanied her for her trip.

She boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger.

Survived: On the night of the sinking, Laura later recalled that she woke her employers after water seeped into her cabin following the collision. She and the Duff-Gordons were rescued in Lifeboat 1, later titled in the press the “millionaires boat”.

Following the disaster Laura was married in Immanuel Parrish Church, Streatham on August 16, 1913. Her new husband was Max Alfred Haering (b. 1885), a Swiss-born hotel manager. The couple later settled in Manhattan, appearing on the 1920 census, but would remain childless.

Laura died in Hampstead, London on June 2, 1967.

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Dr. Henry William Frauenthal, Age 49

Dr. Henry William Frauenthal was born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania on March 13, 1863. He was the son of German immigrants Samuel Frauenthal, a merchant, and Henrietta Lowenstein. He had five siblings.

Henry qualified as a doctor in 1890 and worked as partner to an orthopedic surgeon for the next eleven years before entering private practice. He specialized in the treatment of chronic joint diseases, and his successful techniques propelled him to the height of his career in 1912. On March 26, 1912, he married Clara Heinsheimer in France.

Just over two weeks later the newlyweds boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers for their return journey to the United States. Henry’s brother, Isaac, joined them at Cherbourg.

Survived: Henry, his wife and brother were rescued after leaping into Lifeboat 5. Henry was a large man, reportedly weighing about 250 pounts; he landed on top of Annie May Stengel and broke several of her ribs.

After their fortuitous escape Henry returned to his work at his clinic, which continued to grow. In 1914 a new building was erected and more than 48,000 treatments were given during its first year of operation.

Henry and Clara had no children of their own, but they raised a foster daughter, Natalie. Henry and Clara both suffered from mental health problems in later years, and in the early hours of March 11, 1927 he committed suicide by jumping from the seventh floor of his hospital building.

Clara was hospitalized in Blythewood Sanitarium in Connecticut for the last 16 years of her life and died on March 30, 1943.

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Miss Hedwig Margaritha Frölicher, Age 22

Miss Hedwig Margaritha Frölicher (nicknamed “Mädi”) was born in Zürich, Switzerland on August 13, 1889. She was the daughter of Maximilian Josef Frölicher-Stehli and Margaretha Emerentia Frölicher-Stehli. The family resided in Zürich.

Mädi graduated in early 1912. She was on her way across the ocean to meet her future husband, Robert Schwarzenbach of New York. He also was from Switzerland and managing director of the silk weaving factory of Schwarzenbach & Huber in New York.

Mädi boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg together with her parents as first class passengers.

Survived: Hedwig was seasick during most of the journey. She was woken by the collision. Together with her parents she dressed and went to A Deck to investigate what happened. They then went back to bed. After a while they were told to put on their life preservers. Hedwig and her parents left the Titanic in Lifeboat 5. After about three and a half hours at sea they were rescued by the Carpathia.

Her parents returned to Switzerland, but Hedwig remained in New York where she married Robert J. F. Schwarzenbach, 36, on January 4, 1913. The couple lived in Jericho, New York and had three children (one daughter, b. 1913 and two sons, b. 1917 and 1918).

Her husband died suddenly on August 3, 1929 in Hicksville, Long Island. In 1931 Hedwig moved together with her children to South Norwalk, Connecticut. Hedwig returned to Zürich where she died on July 16, 1972. She was buried at Sihlfeld Cemetery, Zürich.

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Mr. Maximilian Josef Frölicher-Stehli, Age 60

Mr. Maximilian (“Max”) Josef Frölicher-Stehli was born on September 24, 1851. In the early time of his career he was employed by R. Stehli-Hausheer & Sohn and visited New York regularly. In 1884 he was promoted to a managing clerk. On September 5, 1885 he married Margaretha (“Gritli”) Emerentia Stehli, 21, the daughter of his employer Emil Stehli-Hirt. In 1892 he became a partner in the silk factory. Between 1886 and 1894 five children were born to the couple.

In the beginning of 1912, Max wanted to visit the dependencies in the United States and Canada. He was also taking his daughter, Hedwig, to meet her future husband, a resident of New York who worked for the silk factory.

Max, his wife and daughter boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passengers.

Survived: Max Frölicher, Alfons Simonius and Max Staehelin sat in the first class smoke room and played cards till shortly after 11 pm. Around 11:30 pm they went to their staterooms.

Being in bed but not asleep, he and his wife felt the collision. Max and his daughter, who came into her parents’ room, dressed and ran up to A Deck. After a while they went back to their cabins. Some time after, Max Frölicher roused his daughter, a steward put his wife’s life preserver on her and the three moved up to the Boat Deck. The women were helped into Lifeboat 5. Shortly before the boat was lowered Max was also allowed to enter.

In New York Max was awaited by his son and his brother-in-law Emil Stehli. He immediately went into business in that town, where he had a lot of friends, and where he had lived from 1876 until 1884.

Max died suddenly from heart failure on November 22, 1913. He was buried in the family grave at Enzenbühl Cemetery, Zürich.

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Mr. Jacques Heath Futrelle, Age 37

Mr. Jacques Heath Futrelle was born April 9, 1875 in Pike County, Georgia. He was the son of Wiley Harmon Heath Futrelle and Linnie (Bevill) Futrelle. He married Lily May Peel on July 17, 1895 in her parents’ home. They would later have two children, John and Virginia.

Jacques worked for several magazines before he began writing detective stories. In 1904, Jacques began a series of stories around ‘The Thinking Machine’—a detective character he created who would eventually appear in over forty stories. Jacques became a well-known and respected novelist by the early 20th century—his best known works being The Thinking Machine, The Thinking Machine on the Case, The Diamond Master and The High Hand.

In 1912 Jacques and his wife traveled in Europe for several weeks while Jacques wrote magazine articles. They were returning home when they boarded Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers.

Died: After the collision with the iceberg, Jacques got his wife into Collapsible D. May pleaded with him to get in the boat but he resisted, saying he would come later on in another lifeboat. May later remembered that the last she saw of him, he was smoking a cigarette with John J. Astor.

Jacques’ last work, My Lady’s Garter, was published posthumously later in 1912. May inscribed in the book, “To the heroes of the Titanic, I dedicate this my husband’s book” under a photo of her late husband.

May died October 29, 1967 and is buried in Massachusetts. Jacques’s son, Jacques Futrelle, Jr. became the night news editor of The Washington Post and died in Herndon, Virginia in July of 1979.

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Mr. Arthur H. Gee, Age 47

Mr. Arthur H. Gee was born March 21, 1865 in Manchester. He was the son of Mr. Giles Gee.

Arthur joined the Schlusselburg Calico Printing Works Company which was owned by Anglo Russian Cotton Factories Co. Ltd. He eventually rose to be manager. He settled, with his wife Edith and four children (one daughter, three sons), in Lancashire, England. During his time at St. Anne’s Arthur enjoyed playing golf on the Old Links. Arthur was appointed manager of a print works at Atlixco near Mexico City and purchased a ticket on the Titanic for his travels. He had intended to sail from Liverpool, but when he discovered he could sail on the Titanic, he changed his mind.

Arthur boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger.

Died: During the voyage Arthur kept a diary about the voyage, in the form of a letter. The letter continues for 8 pages right up to when the ship sinks. Arthur recorded the daily mileage of the ship and details about the food and people he met. He recorded that on April 13 he was moved to another cabin by a steward because he wanted a porthole. The cabin was arranged for 4 people, with two wardrobes, large sofa, chest of drawers, 3 electric lights, electric fan and heater. The porthole was 15 ft from the water line.

On board the Titanic Arthur got to know his fellow passengers Charles C. Jones and Algernon Barkworth. He sat with them in the smoking room on the night of the sinking. They were deep in conversation about roadbuilding. Jones and Arthur eventually retired but Barkworth decided to stay up for a while.

Although he was reported to be a strong swimmer Arthur died in the sinking. A letter survives from Algernon Barkworth, a survivor on Collapsible B, which recorded his last moments.

Arthur’s body was later recovered by the Mackay-Bennett. The body was was transported to Liverpool and Arthur was buried at The Church Cemetery, Irlam O’The Heights, Manchester next to his father’s grave. The gravestone, which stood for some time, was later removed and the area grassed over.

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Miss Dorothy Winifred Gibson, Age 22

Miss Dorothy Winifred Gibson was born Dorothy Winifred Brown in Hoboken, New Jersey on May 17, 1889. She was the daughter of John A. and Pauline Boesen Brown. John Brown died when Dorothy was a child and her mother married John Leonard Gibson. Dorothy took his name.

Between 1907 and 1911 Dorothy starred in Broadway musicals. In July 1911, after bit parts in motion pictures she was hired as leading lady for the American branch of the French company Éclair and became a popular movie star. On March 17, 1912, having completed a series of films, Dorothy and her mother sailed for Europe for a vacation. After a few weeks, Éclair advisor and producer Jules Brulatour wired her to return to complete a new roster of films. Dorothy was also having an affair with the married Brulatour.

Dorothy and her mother boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passengers.

Survived: According to Dorothy, Lifeboat 7 was virtually empty when she and her mother arrived on the Boat Deck. For a moment, it looked as if one of the lifeboats would follow Titanic to the bottom. Water gushed through a hole in the bottom until, in the words of Dorothy, “this was remedied by volunteer contributions from the lingerie of the women and the garments of men.”

Soon after the disaster Dorothy acted in the first film ever produced about it, called Saved From the Titanic, in which she basically played herself. The movie was released barely a month after the sinking.

Dorothy Gibson gave up acting shortly after the release of Saved From the Titanic to pursue a career in opera, which was as brief as her film work. Dorothy made about 20 movies, 14 of them for Éclair, the rest for Lubin and Imp Studios. Only one of her films survives: The Lucky Holdup, now preserved by the American Film Institute and deposited in the motion picture collection at the Library of Congress.

In May 1913 the affair between Brulatour and Dorothy was exposed in the press when they were involved in a high-profile court case; Dorothy struck and killed a man while driving Brulatour’s car. Brulatour divorced his first wife and married Dorothy in 1917. The couple separated in 1919. Dorothy never remarried.

By 1928, Dorothy Gibson had settled in France with her mother, where she became involved in Fascist politics and intelligence work. She switched her allegiance during World War II and was arrested by the Gestapo in Italy as a resistance agitator. She was imprisoned at San Vittore in Milan but escaped in 1944.

She died of heart failure in her suite at the Hotel Ritz in Paris on February 17, 1946.

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Mr. Victor Gaitan Andrea Giglio, Age 23

Mr. Victor Gaitan Andrea Giglio was born in Liverpool, England on June 17, 1888. He was the son of Italian cotton merchant Frederici Josephi (Frederick Joseph) Giglio and his Egyptian wife Despina Sepse.

In 1901 Victor was a boarding pupil at Ampleforth Abbey, a Roman Catholic boys’ school in North Yorkshire, where he excelled at piano. For reasons unknown, on May 25, 1910 he arrived in New York aboard the White Star Liner Teutonic. He had no occupation and had paid his own passage. Victor became the valet (probably more of a secretary or personal assistant than a servant) to Mr. Benjamin Guggenheim.

Victor accompanied his employer and embarked on the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger.

Died: Both Victor and his employer, Benjamin Guggenheim, died in the sinking.

After his death, his mother donated his collection of music and books to his former school in memory of him.

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Miss Margaret Edith Graham, Age 19

Miss Margaret Edith Graham was born on February 16, 1893, in Wheeling, West Virginia. She was the daughter of Mr. William Thompson Graham and his wife Edith. She had two siblings and was an avid tennis player.

Margaret’s father was a wealthy businessman and the President of the American Can Company. He was also one of the original backers of the Dixie Cup. This invention boosted the Graham finances and, by the beginning of the twentieth century, they were comfortably established in Greenwich, Connecticut, which was then one of the most expensive and exclusive towns in the eastern United States.

Margaret, her mother and governess Elizabeth Weed Shutes, with whom Margaret did not get along, boarded the Titanic at Southampton.

Survived: Margaret, her mother and Miss Shutes were helped to Lifeboat 3 by Howard B. Case and Washington Augustus Roebling II. As the boat landed they watched Case calmly leaning against the rail, lighting a cigarette and waving goodbye.

Soon after returning to the United States, Margaret and her governess parted ways. Margaret married Mr. Eugene M. Moore, the senior executive of a famous law firm, located in Stratford, Connecticut. The couple had three children: Margaret, Eugene Jr, and William G. Moore. She was active with the American Red Cross during World War II, and was active in local civic life thoughout her life.

Margaret died on April 25, 1976. She was buried in Putnam Cemetery, in her hometown of Greenwich.

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Mr. William Bertram Greenfield, Age 23

Mr. William Bertram Greenfield was born in Newark, New Jersey on May 11, 1888. He was the only child of Leo David Greenfield (b. 1863), a furrier, and Blanche Strouse (b. 1867) who were married on May 5, 1887. Both his parents were born in New York and of German heritage.

William, like his father, became a furrier. He went on to become vice president of Leo D. Greenfield & Co. Inc., a manufacturer of fur garments for ladies. Mr. Greenfield was a frequent traveler, making annual trips to Europe where he would purchase fur pelts in Russia. He was returning home after one such trip when he purchased tickets on the Titanic.

William boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg with his mother, Blanche Greenfield.

Survived: William and his mother were rescued in Lifeboat 7, the first boat to leave the ship.

William continued to travel frequently on business, particularly to France, but also Britain, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. He was married in Manhattan on October 7, 1914 to Flora Stern (b. 1892), a New York resident born in Poland. They settled in Queens, New York and had two daughters: Anne (b. 1915) and Nell (b. 1919). William served during World War I.

William died on November 12, 1949. He was buried at the Salem Field Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York where his parents were interred. His widow Flora later died in 1965.

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Mrs. Dorothy Harder, Age 21

Mrs. Dorothy Harder (née Annan) was born in New York City on July 4, 1890. She was the daughter of Eduard Annan, Jr (1867-1893) and Lizzie Maud Earle (1868-1891), both natives of New York.

Following the death of both her parents at a young age, Dorothy was raised by her paternal aunt, Mrs. Charlotte Richardson (1852-1923), in Manhattan. Dorothy was married in New York to George Achilles Harder (b. 1886), a realtor, on January 8, 1912. The couple then went to Europe for a three-month-long honeymoon.

For their return, Dorothy and George boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passengers.

Survived: Dorothy and her husband were rescued in Lifeboat 5. They saved three things from the Titanic (apparently taken from the cabin and still owned by the family today): Dorothy’s fur coat, a bottle of brandy, and a button hook for her shoes.

The Harders were frequently asked to lecture about the Titanic disaster but they refused. Like so many other men who escaped, George Harder found the stigma of surviving the Titanic disaster difficult to live down. Dorothy and George made their home in Manhattan and went on to have two daughters: Dorothy and Jean.

Dorothy was plagued with kidney complaints and she died at her New York apartment on December 1, 1926, aged only 36. She was later interred in Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn. Her widower, George, remarried and had two sons. He died on May 26, 1959.

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Mrs. Myra Raymond Harper, Age 49

Mrs. Myra Raymond Harper (née Haxtun) was born in Manhattan, New York on February 10, 1863. She was the daughter of Benjamin Haxtun (b. 1826), a merchant, and Susan Carman Naylor (b. 1831). She had only one known sibling, her sister Mary.

Myra was married on February 28, 1889 to Henry Sleeper Harper (b. 1864), who came from a family of publishers. The wealthy couple remained childless and spent most of their time globetrotting. In April 1912 Myra and Henry were returning from a tour of Europe and Asia. While in Cairo, Egypt, Henry had acquired a dragoman (interpreter/guide) named Hammad Hassab. Also joining them was Myra’s Pekinese dog, Sun Yat-Sen.

Myra, Henry and Hammad boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passengers.

Survived: After the collision the Harpers were roused and went up to the Boat Deck where they later sat in the gymnasium. They ventured out onto the starboard side and Myra, Henry, Hassan, and the dog were allowed to enter Lifeboat 3.

Myra and her husband continued to live in Manhattan. She died there on November 14, 1923 and was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, the Bronx, New York. Henry remarried and had a son, and passed away on March 1, 1944.

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Mr. Henry Birkhardt Harris, Age 45

Mr. Henry Birkhardt Harris was born on December 1, 1866 in St. Louis, Missouri. He was the son of a well-to-do Jewish couple, William Harris and Rachel Freefield. Henry married Irene Wallach (b. 1876) on October 22, 1899. They had no children.

Henry became manager of the Hudson Theater in 1903, the Harris Theater in 1906 and The Folies Bergere in 1911. At one point he served as the treasurer of the Actors’ Fund of America and was a trustee of the Hebrew Infant Asylum of New York. He was also associated with the Howard Athenaeum of Boston for several years. He was President of the Henry B. Harris Company, and the Director of Theater Managers of Greater New York.

Henry and his wife Irene boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers.

Died: Henry was lost in the sinking. His wife, Irene, was rescued in Collapsible D.

Irene discovered after her husband’s death that he was broke. After paying off his debts as best she could she attempted to continue his theatrical business. For a time she was successful but by the 1930s she was living in poverty. She remarried three times and died on September 2, 1969.

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Miss Margaret Bechstein Hays, Age 24

Miss Margaret Bechstein Hays was born in New York City on December 6, 1887. She was the daughter of Frank and Mary Hays.

Margaret traveled with her friends, Lily Potter and Olive Earnshaw on a trip to Europe. On their return, they had a self-appointed “escort” named Gilbert Tucker. Gilbert had met the three ladies during their travels and fell immediately for Margaret. Gilbert had traveled with his parents and sister to Europe but left them to head home earlier than planned in order to spend more time with Margaret.

Margaret, Olive, Lily, Gilbert, and Margaret’s Pomeranian dog Lady boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg.

Survived: On the evening of April 14 the three ladies were in bed when the Titanic collided with the iceberg at 11:40 p.m. Soon after, the engines stopped and Olive and Margaret went to Lily Potter’s room. After dressing they wrapped Margaret’s little Pomeranian dog in blankets and headed topside. They met Gilbert Tucker along the way. Waiting for orders at the landing on C Deck, Gilbert Tucker helped the three ladies into lifejackets before placing one on himself. Lifeboat 7 was the first boat prepared and, after a call for women was made Lily stepped into the boat, closely followed by Olive and Margaret (still holding her Pomeranian dog).

Aboard the rescue ship, Margaret, fluent in French, volunteered to care for two young French boys who spoke no English and had been unclaimed by an adult relative. The boys were Michel and Edmond Navratil, whose late father Michel Sr. had been trying to take them to America after kidnapping them from their mother. Called the “Titanic Orphans” they stayed in Margaret’s home, under the supervision of the Children’s Aid Society, until the children’s mother was located and brought to America to claim them.

Margaret Hays kept in regular contact with Gilbert Tucker after their rescue but chose to marry Charles Daniel Easton, a Rhode Island physician in 1913 and the couple lived in Providence and Newport, Rhode Island. They were the parents of two daughters.

Her husband died on October 4, 1934 and Margaret died in Buenos Aires, Argentina while vacationing with her daughter and grandaughter on August 21, 1956. She was buried at St. Mary’s Churchyard, Portsmouth, Rhode Island.

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Mr. Christopher Head, Age 42

Mr. Christopher Head was born in Stoke Newington, England on December 25, 1869. He was the son of Henry Head (b. 1835) and Hester Beck (b. 1834). He had nine siblings. Christopher was married in London in late-1910 to Ethel Georgina Mary Hill-Trevor (b. 1871). Ethel had divorced her first husband to marry Christopher.

Christopher, a law student, graduated from Trinity College, Cambridge. He entered the firm of Henry Head & Co., Ltd. as a director in 1905. He was an ardent collector of prints and drawings, particularly those of modern artists, and was a member of the Burlington Fine Arts Club.

Christopher was traveling to the United States on business. He boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger.

Died: Christopher was lost in the sinking and his body, if recovered, was never identified. His estate, worth £56,207, 8s, 2d was administered to his brother Geoffrey on June 12, 1912.

His widow Ethel was remarried two years later to Sir John Phillip Du Cane (b. 1865), Brigadier General and Chief of the Imperial General Staff of the War Office. She therefore became Lady Ethel Georgina Mary Du Cane and she and her husband continued to live in London. Ethel was widowed in 1947 and passed away in Chelsea on October 16, 1960.

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Miss Gertrude Isabelle Hippach, Age 17

Miss Gertrude Isabelle Hippach, better known as Jean, was born in Chicago, Illinois on October 1, 1894. She was the daughter of Louis Albert Hippach (b. 1863) and Ida Sophia Fischer (b. 1866) who married in 1888. Jean had three brothers.

On December 30, 1903, Jean’s two elder brothers were killed in an accident. To cope with the tragedy, Jean’s mother started taking her on several European vacations.

Jean had been abroad in Europe with her mother since January 1912. For their return to America they boarded Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passengers.

Survived: Jean and her mother were asleep when the Titanic struck the iceberg but the shock was so mild, her mother recalled, that Jean slept through it and continued to do so until the roar of the steam escaping through the funnels woke her. Jean and her mother came onto deck as the crewmen were lowering a lifeboat. They thought they would be safer on the Titanic, so they didn’t get into one of the earlier boats. They watched the ship’s officers try to get people into Boats 2 and 6, noting how few people were in each as they were lowered. Passengers talked to each other, at first saying the boat was in no danger. Then they were told the boat would stay afloat for at least 24 hours and that they were safer on deck than in the lifeboats. Later, they were told that the Olympic was near and some ship’s lights were pointed out to her. They had no clue that there were not enough lifeboats for all the passengers on board.

They were walking by Lifeboat 4 as it was being loaded and Colonel Astor told them to get in, although he said there was no danger; she would later credit him for saving her life. Jean and her mother clambered through the windows and entered the boat, finding that it had a couple of sailors. The boat had a small amount of water in it and a man that Mrs. Hippach thought was a third class passenger jumped into the boat (although this was probably a crew member). The women had to help row away from the Titanic. They rowed back and were able to pick about eight men out after the ship had sunk. In the morning they saw the Carpathia and they rowed about two miles to the ship.

Jean was married on January 3, 1920 to Hjalmar Egil Unander-Scharin (b. 1 September 1894), a consul, businessman and native of Stockholm, Sweden. The couple made their home in Chicago and had three children. By the close of the 1930s however Jean and Hjalmar were divorced. Hjalmar returned to his native Sweden where he died in 1940.

Jean remained an avid traveler and lived with her mother until her mother died in 1940. Following her mother’s death Jean relocated to live in Osterville, Massachusetts where she would spend the rest of her life.

Jean died in Wianno, Massachusetts on November 14, 1974. She was buried with her parents and siblings in Rosehill Cemetery in her native Chicago.

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Mr. Harry Homer, Age 40

Mr. Harry Homer was born November 28, 1871 (one source says 1872) in Knightstown, Indiana. He was the son of Richard Homer, who had emigrated from England to the United States. Harry was a resident of Indianapolis, Indiana and worked as a “Cattleman” per the census reports. However, Harry was actually a notorious gambler who went by the nickname “Kid Homer.” Harry would frequent Atlantic Ocean liners and fleece first class passengers by cheating at cards.

Harry boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger. When notices were posted on the Titanic warning about his card shark tricks, he decided to go by the name “E. Haven.”

Survived: According to reports, Harry was gambling when the Titanic struck the iceberg. He and two fellow gamblers disguised themselves as women and boarded Lifeboat 15 as it was being lowered.

After the Titanic, Harry disappears from the records. His surviving family members live in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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Mrs. Jane Anne Hoyt, Age 31

Mrs. Jane Anne Hoyt (née Forby) was born in Amsterdam, New York on February 28, 1879. She was the daughter of Francis M. Forby (1844-1920), a carpenter, and Emmeline Cordelia Hewitt (1844-1920). Both her parents hailed from New York. She had only one known sibling, her sister Harriett (b. 1877).

Jane was married to Frederick Maxfield Hoyt (b. 1873), a native of Connecticut, Yale graduate, prolific yachtsman and a senior partner for the Lace importing firm Houghton, Lee & Hoyt. The couple remained childless and lived in Manhattan. The Hoyts also maintained a summer home in Stamford and spent time in Marblehead, Massachusetts.

Jane and her husband boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers. Their eventual destination was their home in Stamford, Connecticut.

Survived: On the night of the sinking it was reportedly the ship’s surgeon Dr. O’Loughlin (some sources say it was a steward) who went to the stateroom of the Hoyts to urge them to get themselves prepared and to make their way to the lifeboats. O’Loughlin reportedly assisted Jane into her lifeboat, Collapsible D. Her husband later jumped into the water shortly after that lifeboat’s launch and was pulled into it by its occupants.

Jane and her husband later settled in Mamaroneck, Westchester, New York and also apparently lived in Los Angeles for a time. Jane died in Long Beach, California on July 17, 1932 from cancer. Frederick died on July 5, 1940 and the couple is buried in Woodland Cemetery, Stamford, Connecticut.

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Miss Ann Elizabeth Isham, Age 50

Miss Ann Elizabeth Isham was born on January 25, 1862 in Chicago, Illinois. She was the first child of Edward Swift Isham and Frances Burch. She had two brothers, Pierrepont and Edward Swift, and a sister Frances. Their father established a law firm with Robert Todd Lincoln (son of President Abraham Lincoln) called Isham, Lincoln & Beale in Chicago, Illinois.

Ann lived for a time in Chicago where she was a member of the Friday Club and the Scribbler’s Club. But by 1912 she had been living abroad for nine years; most of the time in Paris with her sister Frances. Ann’s brother Edward lived in New York City. Ann decided to spend the summer with him and purchased travel on the Titanic.

Ann boarded the Titanic when it stopped at Cherbourg on April 10, 1912 as a first class passenger.

Died: Ann was one of four first class women who died in the disaster. Her body, if recovered, was never identified.

It has been suggested that Ann brought on board with her a dog (possibly a Great Dane), and some believe that it was her refusal to leave her dog that led to her death. It has been further suggested that she was the woman observed to have had her arms frozen around her dog in the water following the sinking. However, no firm evidence has been found to support the claims.

A memorial to her was erected by her family in Vermont.

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Mr. Charles Cresson Jones, Age 46

Mr. Charles Cresson Jones was born in Darby, Pennsylvania on January 22, 1866. He was the son of Stacy Jones (b. 1828), a physician, and Martha (b. 1837). He had two siblings: Annie (b. 1859), a teacher and Henry (b. 1863), a doctor.

Charles was married around 1890 to Ida Amelia Garfield (b. 1867). Charles and Ida worked as farmers; the couple had no children. They later moved to Bennington, Vermont where Charles worked as superintendent of the Fillmore Farms, the estate of James C. Colgate (1860-1942), whose family founded the toothpaste brand.

Charles had journeyed to England to purchase sheep. For his return to the United States he boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger.

Died: Charles died in the sinking. His body was recovered by the Mackay-Bennett and was delivered to Dr. James H. Donnelly on May 1, 1912 for transportation to Bennington, Vermont. What became of Charles’ widow Ida is uncertain although she is believed to have died in the mid-1920s.

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Mr. Edward Austin Kent, Age 58

Mr. Edward Austin Kent was born in Bangor, Maine on February 19, 1854. He was the son of Henry Mellen Kent (1823-1894), a dry goods merchant, and Harriet Ann Farnham (1830-1908) who had married around 1850. He had five siblings. The family later moved to New York where his father was a partner in Flint & Kent, a large department store.

Edward graduated from Yale and became an architect and later a junior partner in the Syracuse, New York firm of Sillsbee and Kent before returning to Buffalo where he was involved in the founding of the Buffalo Society of Architects. A bachelor and distinguished architect in his city, he was responsible for the design of many buildings in Buffalo and elsewhere.

A frequent traveler across the Atlantic, Edward had just spent two months in Europe when he boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger.

Died: At 2:20am, Edward made no struggle to jump as the seas closed over him. He was lost and his body was later found by the crew of the Mackay-Bennett. On May 1, 1912 the body was delivered to H. K. White of Boston for transportation back to Buffalo.

There is a memorial plaque to Edward inside the first Unitarian Church, Buffalo.

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Mrs. Marion Estelle Kenyon, Age 40

Mrs. Marion Estelle Kenyon (née Stauffer) was born in Hamburg, Iowa on July 5, 1871. She was the daughter of John Martin Stauffer (1837-1888), an editor, and Martha Jane Alberson (1841-1938). Both her parents hailed from Pennsylvania and had married around 1865. She had five known siblings.

Marion was married on February 8, 1898 in Manhattan to New York-born Alfred Meinberg (b. 1860) and lived in Chicago, Illinois. However, Marion was divorced within the next few years. Her next husband was Frederick Roland Kenyon (b. 1871), who was involved with the West Leechburg Steel Company in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and the Kenyons settled there.

In early 1912 Marion and Frederick had been on vacation in Panama and Paris. They were returning to their home aboard Titanic, which they boarded at Southampton as first class passengers.

Survived: On the night of the sinking Marion and her husband had retired and were preparing for bed when the impact occurred. They redressed and went out on deck where Marion escaped in Lifeboat 8. She had asked her husband to follow her but he refused to do so, preferring to remain until all women and children were accounted for. He was lost in the disaster and his body, if recovered, was never identified. She later described her time in the lifeboat and recalled that the crewmen were inexperienced and that she and other ladies helped man the oars during the night.

Following the disaster Marion moved west to California where her sisters Etta and Grace lived. She was remarried in Santa Monica on December 24, 1916 to Owen Albert Williams (1885-1944) of Noank, Connecticut. He was a friend of her late husband and worked in the lumber trade in New York. The couple settled in Santa Monica but were later divorced.

Marion died on October 3, 1958 and was interned at Woodlawn Mausoleum.

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Mr. Edwin Nelson Kimball, Jr., Age 42

Mr. Edwin Nelson Kimball, Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia on March 9, 1870. He was the son of Edwin Kimball (b. 1840), a carriage manufacturer, and Emma Cook (b. 1850). His father and mother were from Maine and Connecticut respectively and his known siblings were Emma (b. 1873) and George Cook (b. 1880).

Following graduation, Edwin entered the piano retail business with his father. He was married on September 26, 1893 in Brookline, Massachusetts to Gertrude Susan Parsons (b. 1866), a native of Northampton, Massachusetts. The couple lived in Boston where Edwin was the president of the Hallet & Davis Piano Company. The couple remained childless.

Edwin and Gertrude board the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers.

Survived: On the night of the sinking Edwin and Gertrude were rescued in Lifeboat 5 .

In years after the sinking Edwin continued to reside in Massachusetts. He retired in 1922 and became active in various associations, including the Boston Athletic Association, Brae-Burn Country Club and the Automobile Club.

Edwin died on April 6, 1927 as a result of pneumonia and was buried at Newton Cemetery, West Newton, Massachusetts. Gertrude died on March 21, 1962.

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Mr. Herman Klaber, Age 41

Mr. Herman Klaber was born in San Francisco, California on November 18, 1870. He was the son of George Klaber (b. 1825) and his wife Bertha (b. 1844). Herman had just one sibling, his elder sister Sarah (b. 1869).

Herman moved to Payallup, Washington in the early 1890s and worked as a hops buyer and warehouse manager. Later moving to Tacoma, he developed his business and became a hops broker, wool merchant, cigar store owner and insurance agent. He was married around 1907 to Gertrude Ginsberg (b. 1885), daughter of a wealthy merchant. Their only child, a daughter named Bernice Janet, was born in 1910.

In January 1912, Herman crossed the Atlantic to visit the hop-producing districts in Europe. For his return to the United States he boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger.

Died: Herman died in the sinking and his body, if recovered, was never identified. His estate was valued in excess of $500,000.

After Herman’s death on the Titanic, his widow Gertrude took herself and her daughter Bernice back to Sacramento to live with her parents. She later settled in San Francisco and never remarried. Gertrude died on March 17, 1961. She is buried with her family in the Home of Peace Cemetery in Colma, California.

Herman’s daughter Bernice later married Samuel Isador Jacobs (b. 1907), an attorney from Sacramento. The couple resided in San Francisco where Bernice died on February 23, 1962.

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Dr. Alice May Leader, Age 49

Dr. Alice May Leader (née Farnham) was born on May 10, 1862 in Batavia, New York. She was the daughter of Reuben Humphreys Farnham (1827-1902), a prominent New York businessman, and Frances Elizabeth Humphreys (1841-1909).

Alice graduated from the Attica Union Academy before entering medical school in Philadelphia. She studied psychiatry in Paris and worked both in the Willard Insane Asylum and the Insane Asylum of New York City. She married John Augustine Leader (b. 1863) on November 2, 1892 in Buffalo, New York. Alice and John, who remained childless, were prominent physicians in Lewiston, New York. John died suddenly on October 9, 1900.

Alice had spent a three-month-long vacation in Panama and France and was returning to her home and medical practice in New York. She boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger.

Survived: Alice was rescued in Lifeboat 8.

After her rescue from the Titanic Alice returned to work. She retired in the 1920s and frequently visited her married sister in Orlando, Florida.

Alice died while visiting relatives in Orlando on April 20, 1944. She was buried in Forest Hill Cemetery in Attica, New York.

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Mr. Ervin G. Lewy, Age 30

Mr. Ervin G. Lewy was born in Helena, Arkansas on November 28, 1881. He was the son of Benno Lewy (b. 1842), a jeweler, and Bertha Marcus (b. 1844), both Prussian Jewish immigrants. He had six known siblings.

Ervin and his family later settled in Chicago where he worked as a jewelry salesman, under his father and elder brothers in the firm Lewy, The Jeweler in Chicago. When his father died on December 19, 1900, Ervin and his brothers therefore became Lewy Brothers Jewelers, he being the treasurer and his brother the secretary. Ervin lived with his sister Frieda and was unmarried.

On January 15, 1912 Ervin departed for Amsterdam on a diamond purchasing trip. For his return to Chicago he boarded the Titanic as a first class passenger in Cherbourg.

Died: While aboard he telegrammed his brother Jay indicating that he was en route home aboard Titanic, and that was the last word his family heard from him. He died in the sinking and his body, if recovered, was never identified.

His sister Frieda gave birth to a daughter on December 26, 1913 and named her Ervine in honour of Ervin. Frieda spent a good deal of her life in Chicago but later settled in Los Angeles. She died there on January 6, 1977.

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Miss Mary Conover Lines, Age 16

Miss Mary Conover Lines was born in Mount Vernon, New York on July 27, 1895. She was the daughter of Dr. Ernest Howard Lines (b. 1859), a New York native and president and medical director of the New York Life Insurance Company, and Elizabeth Lindsey James (b. 1861), who hailed from Burlington, New Jersey. Her parents had married in Pennsylvania in 1889 and besides Mary they had one other child, a son, Howard Burchard Lines. The family settled in Paris, where Mary was educated, and they were frequent travelers across the Atlantic.

In April 1912, Mary’s brother was graduating from Dartmouth College. Mary and her mother were traveling to the United States to attend and boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers.

Survived: On the night of the sinking Mary recalled that she had been dozing off when she and her mother became alarmed that the ship stopped and the noise of steam being vented out could be heard. They were soon pacified by their steward who told them to remain in their cabin, which they did for some time, and the steward never returned. Mary later recalled that a man from a neighboring cabin alerted them to get dressed and helped them find their lifebelts. Half-dressed, the ladies left their cabin and ventured to the Boat Deck where an officer tied their lifebelts on. The two ladies were rescued in Lifeboat 9, which Mary described as far from full.

Mary and her mother did manage to arrive at her brother’s graduation and eventually returned to Paris. During World War I Mary served for four years in a French Hospital as a nurses’ aide. Her brother Howard served in the Ambulance Service but died in 1916 as a result of pneumonia.

Mary was married in Paris in 1919 to Massachusetts-born attorney Sargent Holbrook Wellman (b. 1892) and the couple had three children. They were active in their local community in various civic and charitable roles. Mary devoted much of her time to the Girl Scouts on local and national levels and was one of the founders of the Mid-Essex area council of Girl Scouts. She also served as a commissioner of Massachusetts Girl Scouts for four years, among other roles. She was a member of the Herb Society of America for thirty years, serving as chairman of the New England Unit, and later assisted in the translation of the Natural History of Lavenders from French to English.

Mary died at her home in Massachusetts on November 23, 1975 following a stroke. She was buried in Pine Grove Cemetery, Topsfield.

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Miss Gretchen Fiske Longley, Age 21

Miss Gretchen Fiske Longley was born in Hudson, New York on September 1, 1890. She was the only daughter of New York natives Levi Fiske Longley (b. 1850), a lawyer, and Mary Deare Andrews (b. 1850).

Gretchen’s mother died in 1892 and she and her father moved in with her maternal grandparents Robert Emmet Andrews (1819-1901) and Matilda Scudder Fonda (1821-1911) and her extended family in Hudson, New York. After her father died in 1902, she lived at the home of her aunt Kornelia Andrews. She was educated in Boston Ladies’ School.

Gretchen boarded the Titanic in Southampton as a first class passenger. She was traveling with her maternal aunts Kornelia Andrews and Anna Hogeboom.

Survived: On the night of the sinking Gretchen had been in her stateroom at the time of the impact. The shock drew her out into the corridor twice out of curiosity but she found everything quiet with no cause for alarm. Her aunt Kornelia was nervous however and it was at her insistence that they make their way up to the Boat Deck. Gretchen and her two aunts escaped in Lifeboat 10. The lack of crewmen in the boat compelled Gretchen and other women to assist in rowing.

On October 21, 1913 Gretchen married Pennsylvania-born Dr. Raymond Sylvester Leopold (b. 1884). Raymond later became an executive vice president of Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital, of which he was a graduate. The couple had three children and made their home in Philadelphia. She was widowed when her husband died on June 30, 1957.

Gretchen ran an antique shop in Philadelphia and continued to travel extensively, undeterred by her experiences on Titanic. It was on one such ocean-going voyage cruising in the Mediterranean that Gretchen passed away on August 11, 1965. She was buried with her husband in West Laurel Hill Cemetery in Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania.

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Miss Eugénie Elise Lurette, Age 59

Miss Eugénie Elise Lurette was born in Hermonville in northern France on November 16, 1852. She was one of three daughters born to Nicolas Lurette and Marie Gervais. The three sisters were named Euphrasie, Eulalie and Eugénie. Eugénie didn’t like her first name so she chose to be called Elise.

For over 30 years Elise worked as a live-in companion/maid for the Spencer family and traveled throughout the world with them. She never learned to speak English fluently but she was able to hold a conversation in English, albeit with a strong French accent. The Spencers owned considerable amounts of land in Luzern, Switzerland. It was here that they built a castle named Drei Linden (now the Luzern music conservatory) where they would live during the summer season.

Elise boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg with the Spencers on April 10, 1912 as a first class passenger.

Survived: Elise was in her cabin when crew knocked at her door telling her to evacuate the Titanic. She put her coat over her nightdress and, taking her employer, Mrs. Spencer, with her, went on deck. Elise recalled that when they were in the Lifeboat 6 she saw people who dived from the Titanic freezing in a very short period of time. She remembered the screams in the darkness and that people who tried to climb in the lifeboat were pushed back in the water by its occupants who were afraid that the boats were overloaded. She rowed the whole night with the other survivors until they were picked up by the Carpathia. Mr. Spencer died in the sinking.

In her later years Elise divided her time between her apartment in Paris and Switzerland, where she had family. She received a pension from the Spencer family of $200 but had no other contact with them.

Suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, Elise died in France on January 31, 1940.

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Mr. Daniel Warner Marvin, Age 18

Mr. Daniel Warner Marvin was born in Canastota, Madison, New York on February 12, 1894. He was the son of Henry Norton Marvin (b. 1862) and Oramella Lucretia Tackabury (b. 1860).

His father Henry was founder of the early motion picture production houses of American Mutoscope and the Biograph Company. Daniel was married on January 8, 1912 to Mary Graham Carmichael Farquharson (b. 1894). The ceremony was restaged for the camera and was reported to be the first cinematographed wedding.

The couple honeymooned in Europe and for their return to the United States they boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers.

Died: On the night of the sinking Daniel assisted his wife, Mary, to a boat. Daniel died in the sinking. His body, if recovered, was never identified.

Daniel became a posthumous father following the sinking. Mary gave birth to a daughter named Mary Margaret “Peggy” on October 21, 1912. Mary later remarried and had a further two children before her death in 1975. Daniel’s daughter Mary died on October 7, 1993 in Massachusetts.

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Mlle Berthe Antonine Mayné, Age 24

Mlle. Berthe Antonine Mayné was born July 21, 1887 in Ixelles, Belgium. She was a cabaret singer who had had a liaison with Fernand de Villiers, a French soldier who joined the foreign legion and went off to the Belgian Congo. She sang under the stage name of Bella Vielly and was well known in Brussels.

In the winter of 1911 she met a young Montreal hockey player, Quigg Baxter, while she was performing in a café in Brussels, and the two became lovers. He persuaded her to return to Montreal with him and his family aboard Titanic. For the sake of propriety, he installed her in her own first class stateroom under the pseudonym “Mrs. de Villiers.”

Berthe boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger.

Survived: The night of the disaster, her boyfriend, Quigg, rushed Berthe into Lifeboat 6 with his mother and sister. She slipped a long woollen overcoat over her nightdress, but balked when Quigg wanted her to go in the boat without him. Quigg was lost when the ship went down.

After the sinking Berthe stayed in Montreal with Quigg’s family for several months, then returned to Europe and resumed her career as a singer in Paris. She never married.

Eventually she retired to a comfortable house in a suburb of Brussels. In old age she tried to persuade her nephew that she had been on Titanic with a young Canadian millionaire, but no one believed her. After she died on October 11, 1962, the truth of the story was found in clippings, letters and photographs discovered in a shoebox among her personal belongings.

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Mr. Thomas Francis McCaffry, Age 26

Mr. Thomas Francis McCaffry was born February 5, 1866 in Three Rivers, Quebec. He was the son of James McCaffry and Mary Ann Campbell, and he was raised in Montreal with his two sisters, Annie and Mary Eva.

He began his career as a junior at the Union Bank of Canada in Three Rivers. He rose through the ranks and was sent to manage the Union Bank in Neepawa, Manitoba. In 1897 he moved to Winnipeg to manage another branch; there he befriended Thomson Beattie. In 1900 Thomas resigned his job to go to Vancouver, where he became manager of the newly opened Vancouver branch of the Union Bank.

In early 1912, Thomas and Thomson, with friend John Hugo Ross, spent the next few months touring the Middle East and Europe. For their return, the friends booked first class passage on the Titanic, which they boarded at Cherbourg.

Died: Both Thomas and Thomson were almost certainly on the roof beside the last available raft, Collapsible A, when the Titanic began its slide. Thomson made it into the boat, but Thomas didn’t. His body was later recovered by the Mackay-Bennett.

The body was delivered to E.E. Code on May 2, 1912, and sent to Montreal. He was buried in Notre Dame des Neiges Cemetery and his large granite tombstone was paid for by the bank he worked for.

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Mr. James Robert McGough , Age 35

Mr. James Robert McGough was born in Mandistown, Ireland on July 4, 1876. He was the son of Thomas McGough (b. 1834), a farrier and blacksmith, and Catherine Dowdell (b. 1850). He came from a family of nine. The family had emigrated to the United States in the early 1890s and settled in Philadelphia.

James began work as a delivery clerk. He later became a merchant and worked for the firm of Strawbridge & Clothier. James became a citizen of the United States in July 1908. He was later married to a Philadelphian woman named Mary J. Hughes (b. 1874), the daughter of Irish immigrants Patrick Hughes, a liquor merchant, and his wife Theresa.

A frequent traveler to Europe on business, James boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger.

Survived: According to James’s testimony, after the collision, he went out and met second steward George Dodd who informed them they were not in any danger and told him to go back to bed. However, James, along with his cabinmate, John Irwin Flynn, went up to the Promenade Deck. Once there, the two were ordered to put on their lifebelts. After getting the belts from their cabin they returned to the deck where they saw women and children being put in the lifeboats. As there was great hesitation on the part of the passengers to get in the boats, a large officer gave James a push into Lifeboat 7.

James returned to Philadelphia and continued to work and travel across the Atlantic. The depression in the early 1930s saw James unemployed and he was widowed. He died of cancer of July 24, 1937. He was buried in a family plot in Holy Cross Cemetery, Delaware, Pennsylvania.

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Mrs. Leila Meyer, Age 25

Mrs. Leila Meyer (née Saks) was born in Baltimore, Maryland on September 28, 1886. She was the daughter of Andrew Saks (b. 1847) and Jennie Rohl (b. 1860). Her father was born in Baltimore to German parents and initially worked as a tailor and clothier in Washington, DC before he and his brother Isidor founded Saks & Co, a men’s clothing and dry goods house; he later became company president.

Leila was married in 1909 to Edgar Joseph Meyer (b. 1884). The couple had one daughter, Jane, who was born on May 19, 1911. Edgar was a mechanical engineer and became vice president of the Braden Copper Company of New York City.

Leila and Edgar were in Europe when they heard of Leila’s father’s death on April 8, 1912. They decided to return home immediately and boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passengers.

Survived: Leila was rescued in Lifeboat 6 but her husband, Edgar, perished. His body, if recovered, was never identified.

Following the disaster Leila returned to New York and was reunited with her daughter. She was later remarried on April 30, 1914, to divorcee Louis Ranger (b. 1881 in New York), a stock broker, but would have no more children.

Leila continued to travel, visiting France, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom in later years. She died on November 27, 1957.

Her daughter Jane was married in the 1930s to George A. Stern (b. 1907), a stock broker, and the couple had two daughters: Joan and Faith. Jane died in New York in 1984.

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Mr. Francis Davis Millet, Age 65

Mr. Francis Davis Millet was born on November 3, 1846 in Mattapoisett, Massachusetts. Accompanying his surgeon father to the Civil War, Millet served as a drummer boy to a Massachusetts regiment and later as a surgical assistant.

Frances became city editor of the Boston Courier before he decided to devote himself to art. At Royal Academy of Fine Arts at Antwerp, Belgium, he won an unprecedented silver medal in his first year and a gold medal in the second. His paintings are found in the Metropolitan Museum, New York City and the Tate Gallery, London.

In 1912 Frances boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger. He accompanied his friend, and perhaps partner, Major Archibald Butt.

Died: Frances died in the sinking and his body was recovered from the sea by the crew of the Mackay-Bennett. His body was forwarded to Boston and buried at East Bridgwater Central Cemetery.

Frances’s story was told in a limited edition biography published privately by Joyce Sharpey-Schafer: Soldier of Fortune: F.D. Millet. The volume is now out-of-print. In Washington, DC a memorial was erected to his memory and that of his partner Major Archibald Butt.

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Miss Ida Daisy Minahan, Age 33

Miss Ida Daisy Minahan was born in Chilton, Wisconsin on January 9, 1879. She was the daughter of Irish immigrant parents William Burke Minahan (1833-1906), a county school superintendent, and Mary Shaughnessy (1839-1902), both Limerick natives. She had ten known siblings.

In early 1912 Daisy, her brother William and sister-in-law Lillian were on a visit to their ancestral Ireland, having departed from New York in January on a vacation that was supposed to have lasted six months. Daisy was reportedly stricken with appendicitis and they were forced to end their vacation early and return to the United States.

Daisy and her family were the only first class passengers to board Titanic at Queenstown on April 11.

Survived: Asleep at the time of the collision, Daisy, William, and Lillian were wakened by the sound of a woman crying in the companionway outside their cabin. They immediately began to dress. Leaving their cabin they headed to the portside Boat Deck and were shown to Lifeboat 14, stumbling over loaves of bread that had been spilled on deck in the process. Daisy and her sister-in-law were saved, but her brother William was lost.

Daisy eventually returned to Wisconsin but less than a month after the sinking she entered a sanatorium, suffering from pneumonia and emotional disturbance. It is believed she spent several years in this facility and, following her release, she moved to Los Angeles, California.

Daisy’s last few years were plagued with tuberculosis, which led to her premature death on April 30, 1919 at the age of 40. She is buried in Calvary Cemetery in Los Angeles.

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Mr. Charles Natsch, Age 36

Mr. Charles Natsch was born in Connecticut in October 1875. He was the son of Swiss immigrant parents Henry Natsch (1842-1881) and his wife Louisa (1836-1903) who had come to the United States in 1866. He had three siblings.

Charles was married in 1899 to Elizabeth Henderson Nicoll Machan (b. 1874), a Scottish-born woman who had come to the United States as an infant. Charles and his wife settled in Brooklyn and had four children: Helen (b. 1901), Jean Lois (b. 1902), Evalyn Dorothy (b. 1904) and Henry Halsey (b. 1905).

Charles embarked on his journey aboard Titanic at Cherbourg following a six week-long business trip on behalf of his employers, Lamont, Corliss & Company.

Died: Charles died in the Titanic disaster and his body, if recovered, was never identified.

His wife, Elizabeth, later filed a claim against the White Star Line for the death of her husband to the amount of $15,000. Her claim later led to legal difficulties.

Elizabeth never remarried and continued to live in Brooklyn until the mid-1920s when she moved to Columbia, Connecticut. She died on June 9, 1956 and is buried in Columbia; Charles is remembered on her grave.

The last letter he had sent to his wife from his business trip abroad, and posted in the Netherlands, is still in the hands of family.

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Miss Helen Monypeny Newsom, Age 19

Miss Helen Monypeny Newsom was born in Columbus, Ohio on December 30, 1892. She was the daughter of Logan Conway Newsom (1851-1901), a realtor, and Sarah Maybell Monypeny (1865-1955). She had one sibling, her brother William Monypeny (b. 1887).

In early 1912 Helen, her mother and stepfather were touring Europe. Helen had become romantically involved with a young tennis player, Karl Behr, and part of the reason for this trip was her mother’s intention to discourage the match.

For their return to the United States the party boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers. At Cherbourg they were surprised to be joined by Karl Behr, who had traveled to Europe to pursue his courtship with Helen.

Survived: On the night of the sinking the Beckwith party assembled on the starboard Boat Deck following orders to abandon ship. Here they waited with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nelson Kimball and were soon joined by Karl Behr. When Mrs. Kimball asked Bruce Ismay, who was then assisting the boarding of Lifeboat 3, if they could all go, Ismay replied “Of course madam, every one of you.” The Beckwiths, Kimballs and Behr therefore entered Lifeboat 3 and were saved.

The European trip did not prove distracting enough and Helen was married on March 1, 1913 in Manhattan to Karl Behr. The couple resided in New York where Karl worked as an investment banker before managing other ventures. They had four children.

Following Karl Behr’s death in 1949 Helen was remarried to Dean Mathey (b. 1890), chairman of the board of the Empire Trust Company in New York and charter trustee emeritus of Princeton University. Mathey was also a close friend of Karl Behr and his previous tennis partner. He had reached the United States National Championships in 1910 and the final of the doubles in 1914.

Helen continued to travel frequently and made her home at Pretty Brook Farm on Great Road in Princeton, New Jersey in later years. She was a member of various organizations, including Stetney Champ Committee, the Colony Club New York, Present Day Club and Princeton Garden Club.

Helen died in a hospital on September 7, 1965 and she was buried in Princeton Cemetery in a private family plot. Her widower later died on April 16, 1972.

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Mr. Engelhart Cornelius Østby, Age 64

Mr. Engelhart Cornelius Østby was born in Christiania (Oslo), Norway, on December 18, 1847. He was the son of Christian Østby and Josephine Dorothy Paulson. Engelhart studied to be a jeweler at the Royal School of Art in his home city.

In 1879 he formed a partnership with Nathan B. Barton to create the business of Østby & Barton and the firm became the world’s largest producer of gold rings. Engelhart was married to Lizzie Macy Webster (b. 1854) on June 7, 1876 and they had five children, including daughter Helene. Lizzie died on November 26, 1899, and Engelhart raised his youngest children with the help of his mother.

In the middle of January 1912 Engelhart traveled again to Europe on vacation, and daughter Helene accompanied him. Engelhart and Helene boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passengers.

Died: On the night of the disaster Engelhart and Helene sat in the reception room; they talked with Mr. and Mrs. Warren and listened to the orchestra. At around 10 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Warren decided to take a stroll on deck but it was too cold so they all went to bed.

After the collision Engelhart met his daughter in the corridor that separated their staterooms. Together with the Warrens, they climbed the grand staircase to the Boat Deck. Leaving Helene and the others close to Lifeboat 5, Engelhart returned to their staterooms to get some warmer clothes. In the meantime Helene had boarded the lifeboat and they never saw each other again.

Engelhart died in the sinking and his body was later recovered by the Mackay-Bennett.

The embalmed body was identified in Halifax by an employee of Østby & Barton, David Sutherland; he brought the coffin to Rhode Island and it was buried on May 11, 1912 at Swan Point, Providence. When Helene died in 1978 she was buried close to her father.

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Mr. William Henry Marsh Parr, Age 30

Mr. William Henry Marsh Parr was born in Hindley Green, England over the closing months of 1882. He was the son of John Turner Parr (b. 1854) and Hannah Marsh (b. 1849) who married in 1881.

William first worked as an apprentice electrical engineer. He served his apprenticeship with the Electrical Department of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway and was later appointed to Harland & Wolff as an assistant manager in the electricians’ department, overseeing the fitting-out of ships. He was married to Gertrude Poole (b. 1881). The couple would later have one child, a son.

William was one of the nine-strong “guarantee group” of Harland & Wolff employees chosen to oversee the smooth running of the Titanic‘s maiden voyage. He boarded at Belfast.

Died: William, like the rest of his counterparts, died in the sinking. His body, if recovered, was never identified.

His widow Gertrude never remarried and later resettled in her native Cheshire. She died on June 8, 1952.

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Mrs. Edith Pears, Age 22

Mrs. Edith Pears (née Wearne) was born on September 1, 1889 in London, England. She was the daughter of Frank Wearne, co-founder of the firm of Feuerheerd Wearne. Edith’s mother was Mrs. Ada Wearne (née Morris). Edith was educated at Wycombe Abbey School and then lived in France for a period before returning to the family home in London.

On September 15, 1910, just after her 21st birthday, she married Thomas Pears, the great-great-grandson of Andrew Pears, the founder of the soap-manufacturing company A & F Pears Ltd. Thomas attained a senior position in the company and in 1912 prepared to cross the Atlantic, possibly to look at a site for his company’s expansion into America.

Edith and Thomas boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers.

Survived: Edith survived the sinking, having been rescued in Lifeboat 8, but her husband, Thomas, perished.

Thomas’s will left a sum of £16,763 so Edith was well provided for.

During World War I, Edith, at her father’s suggestion, shared a London flat with Norah, the daughter of an old friend of his, Dr. Crowe. Edith served as a nurse in the British Red Cross, for whom she drove an ambulance. She also joined the WRNS, for whom she drove a cab, her main duties being to fetch Admirals and other senior officers from the Admiralty from their clubs at night. Norah’s brother Mr. D. V. Crowe was an electrical engineer by training. His poor eyesight had ruled him unfit for military service. He therefore became a tea planter in the south of India. When he came home on leave, he met Edith while visiting his sister. In due course they were engaged, then married. A daughter was born in Travancore in 1920 and a son in 1924, at Worcester Park.

Edith died in 1956.

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Miss Mary Anne Perreault, Age 33

Miss Mary Anne Perreault was born in Gaspé, Canada on July 29, 1878. She was the daughter of Joseph Perrault and Marie Agnes Smith, who had married in 1870.

Mary went to work for Mrs. Charles M. Hays as a maid. In the spring of 1912, Mary traveled to London with the Hays family. While in London, Mr. Hays met with Sir Abe Bailey, a wealthy British investor who was helping to finance his new business venture in Montreal. Sir Abe had a chauffeur and mechanic named Bert Pickett. Bert and Mary fell in love. Bert proposed to Mary with his mother’s ring and suggested that they marry in the United States when he could gather enough money together.

In early April 1912 Mr. Hays’s business deal had been finalized and he booked tickets for his family, his secretary and Mary to return to New York. Mary boarded the Titanic at Southampton.

Survived: Mary escaped in Lifeboat 3. She was one of the last to get on this boat and had to be pushed on. Mary left Mrs. Hays’ employment after the Titanic tragedy.

Mary’s fiancé Bert Pickett arrived in New York that same year and they were married on December 9, 1912 in Trenton, New Jersey. Bert worked as a mechanic. He was employed by the Mercer Automobile Company and later left and opened his own garage in Trenton, New Jersey. Mary had numerous miscarriages but eventually had one son, Earnest, who was born on January 10, 1919 when she was 42.

The family moved to Rodeo, California around 1928 and opened a ‘Mom and Pop’ roadside stand that sold food and gasoline. Later it was converted into a Standard Oil Company Service Station.

After Bert died in 1960, Mary moved to San Pablo, California and was residing at Church Lane Convalescent Hospital at the time of her death on November 18, 1968. She was buried at St. Joseph’s Mausoleum, San Pablo, California.

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Major Arthur Godfrey Peuchen, Age 52

Major Arthur Godfrey Peuchen was born in Montreal on April 18, 1859. He was the son of Godfrey Peuchen of Westphalia, Prussia and Eliza Eleanor Clark of Hull, England. Arthur married Margaret Thompson in 1893 and together they had a son and a daughter.

Arthur moved to Toronto in 1871 where he enlisted in the Queen’s Own Rifles. In 1911 he served as marshalling officer at the coronation of George V. He was also the president of the Standard Chemical Company (1897-1914), one of the first in the world to manufacture acetone (used to make explosives) from wood. With company refineries in England, France and Germany, Arthur was often abroad. Crossing on Titanic was to be his fortieth transatlantic voyage.

Arthur boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger.

Survived: On the night Titanic sank Arthur sat down to dinner in the First Class Dining Room with Harry Molson and Hudson and Bessie Allison. Later that evening Arthur learned from steward James Johnson that the ship had struck an iceberg, but he never believed the ship was going to sink. He grabbed three oranges and a pearl pin from his cabin, but left behind $200,000 in stocks and bonds, his jewelry, and the presents he had bought for his children.

As Lifeboat 6 was being lowered, Arthur noticed it was leaving poorly manned. Number 6 had already begun its descent when Quartermaster Robert Hichens, who was in the boat, shouted for help. Arthur stepped forward and told Second Officer Lightoller he was a yachtsman. Captain Smith, standing nearby, suggested Arthur go down one flight and break a window on the Promenade Deck to get into the boat. But Lightoller replied that if Arthur was as good a sailor as he claimed to be he could slip down the ropes to get into the boat. So Arthur grabbed a rope, swung himself off the ship, and hand under hand slid down 25 feet of rope into the boat.

When World War I began, Arthur retired as head of Standard Chemical to command the Home Battalion of the Queen’s Own.

In 1920, Arthur and the McLaren Lumber Company began working on a dam project along the Oldman River, in southwest Alberta. However, that project was never completed, due to winter ice floe delays, then decreases in the price of lumber, then cost overruns. Correspondence was sent to Arthur Peuchen through August 1930. The dam project was apparently abandoned, a sign of financial woes that affected Arthur.

Arthur lost much of his money in the 1920s as the result of bad investments, and for the last four years of his life it was believed that he lived in a company dormitory in Hinton, Alberta. He returned to Toronto around the middle of 1929, and died there on December 7, 1929. He is buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery.

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Mr. Walter Chamberlain Porter, Age 46

Mr. Walter Chamberlain Porter was born on May 13, 1865 to Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Porter in Worcester, Massachusetts. He was married to Mabel L. Sanford and the couple had two children.

He became a partner in his father’s business in 1897. On August 1, 1903, Walter and Walter E. Bigelow, a lifelong friend, bought out the business. Walter took charge of the sales department and Mr. Bigelow assumed charge of the manufacturing end of the business. Business called Walter overseas and he took his first foreign business trip on February 20, 1912 with his two traveling companions: George Quincy Clifford and John Edward Maguire.

Walter, George and John boarded the Titanic at Southampton to return to the United States as first class passengers.

Died: Walter, George and John died in the sinking. Walter’s body was discovered after the sinking by the Mackay-Bennett.

Walter’s body was released on April 30, 1912 and was returned to Worcester, by train, for burial in Hope Cemetery, next to his parents and late first wife, Louise, who had died in 1905.

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Mrs. Lily Alexenia Potter, Age 56

Mrs. Lily Alexenia Potter (née Wilson) was born in Michigan on August 15, 1855. She was the daughter of Seth Wyle Wilson and Martha A. Thompson. Lily married Thomas Potter Jr., a prominent commercial leader in the city, in 1876. He later became an officer of the National Guard in Pennsylvania. They had three children.

In December of 1911, Lily Potter decided to take a vacation with her daughter, Olive, to take her daughter’s mind off her divorce from her husband. Just as they were about to leave Turkey, they were told about the Titanic and how grand it would be to travel on her. Lily canceled her previous reservations and booked first-class passage.

Lily boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg with her daughter and her daughter’s friend Margaret Hays.

Survived: Lily had not fully gone to sleep and felt the ship shudder. Soon after, the engines stopped. Olive and Margaret came to Lily’s room. Lily ordered the two girls to put on their heavy underwear. Picking up blankets, and wrapping Margaret’s little Pomeranian dog in them, the trio headed topside, and met Gilbert Tucker along the way. Waiting for orders at the landing on C Deck, Gilbert Tucker helped the three ladies into lifejackets before placing one on himself.

Lily stepped into Lifeboat 7, and was soon followed by Olive and Margaret (still holding her Pomeranian – to which there was no objection given). Because there were not enough women in the boat, and that many still refused to enter, Gilbert Tucker was allowed in the boat to continue his “protection” of the three ladies.

After the Titanic disaster, Lily Potter became very active with the American Red Cross. In 1916, she began her volunteer work during World War I. She directed the opening of chapter workrooms, leading volunteers in making garments and supplies for base hospitals overseas.

On January 1, 1954, Lily Potter died at the age of 98. She was buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her daughter Olive is buried in the same plot.

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Mr. Jonkheer Johan George Reuchlin, Age 37

Mr. Jonkheer Johan George Reuchlin was born in Rotterdam on December 6, 1874. He was the second son of Otto Reuchlin (1842-1924), a wine merchant and later director of the Holland America Line. He went by Johan. Johan married Agatha Maria Elink Schuurman in the Netherlands on May 10, 1905. They had three children: Henri, Carolina Helena and Maarten.

Johan became bureau chief of the Holland America Line, and was later made a director. Johan was ordered to sail on the Titanic to evaluate the Olympic-class liners. The Holland America Line had ordered a large vessel from Harland & Wolff, the builders of the Titanic. The new ship was already under construction in March 1912.

Johan boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passenger.

Died: Johan died in the disaster. On April 18 the director of the Holland America Line in America, Mr. C. Gips, awaited Johan at New York Harbor, not knowing that he had died in the sinking. The sad information was told to him by Bruce Ismay. Gips immediately sent a telegram to HAL, Rotterdam and a letter to Johan’s wife Agatha. She received a annual payment of hfl. 5000 from the Holland America Line.

Johan’s body, if recovered, was never identified.

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Mr. Washington Augustus Roebling II, Age 31

Mr. Washington Augustus Roebling II was born in Trenton, New Jersey on March 25, 1881. He was the son of Charles Gustavus Roebling (b. 1849) and Sarah Mahon Ormsby (b. 1856). His grandfather, John Augustus Roebling, founded John A. Roebling & Sons engineering company who worked on some of the world’s first modern steel suspension bridges.

Washington graduated with a degree in engineering. After working for a time at his father’s business, he began work at the Walter Automobile plant. While there he designed and built his Roebling-Planche racing car, finishing in second place in the Vanderbilt Cup Race in Savannah, Georgia in 1910.

In early 1912, he left on a tour of Europe with his friend Stephen Weart Blackwell. For their return, Washington and Stephen boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers.

Died: On the night of April 14, according to Edith Graham and her daughter Margaret, Washington alerted them to the danger and with the help of Howard Case, escorted them to the lifeboats and making no attempt to enter themselves. Washington perished.

Washington’s father Charles, a prominent member of the Trinity Episcopal Church in Trenton, later had the west wall of the cathedral rebuilt as a memorial to his son. Having never recovered from the death of his son, he died on October 5, 1918 and was buried in Riverview Cemetery in Trenton.

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Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Anne Rothschild, Age 54

Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Anne Rothschild (née Barrett) was born on February 10, 1858 in Watkins Glen, New York. She was the fifth daughter of James William Barrett (an English born innkeeper) and his Irish born second wife Mary.

Elizabeth Barrett (a devout Catholic), was married to the New York clothing manufacturer Martin Rothschild (a Jew) by Father Gallagher at Holy Name Church, New York City, on June 2, 1895. Martin Rothschild was the uncle of writer and poet Dorothy Rothschild, later Dorothy Parker (1893-1967). He was also a successful clothing manufacturer. The couple, who were childless, lived in New York and traveled extensively.

They boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passengers.

Survived: Elizabeth was rescued in Lifeboat 6 along with her Pomeranian (one of three dogs that were saved from the Titanic). The dog had apparently gone undetected during the loading of the lifeboats, and during the night as no survivors remembered the canine until the morning of rescue. When the lifeboat came alongside the Carpathia, crew members at first refused to take Mrs. Rothschild’s dog. She protested that she would not leave the lifeboat until her dog was placed safely in her lap. She held the dog and was hoisted aboard the Carpathia. Elizabeth’s husband, Martin, died in the sinking.

Elizabeth’s brother Thomas Barrett became a Roman Catholic priest and came to live with Elizabeth in East Orange, New Jersey. They maintained a private chapel. According to descendants this was the only such private chapel in the whole United States and was maintained with the permission of Pope Pius XI himself. Elizabeth was active in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark and New York, and in 1941 she was awarded the Papal Distinguished Merit Cross.

When Elizabeth died in East Orange, New Jersey on October 29, 1943 she was buried at the impressive (and only) mausoleum in a tiny cemetery she helped build. The mausoleum also contains a memorial to her lost husband.

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Mr. Alfred G. Rowe, Age 59

Mr. Alfred G. Rowe was born in Lima, Peru on February 24, 1853. He was the son of John James Rowe (1817-1875), a merchant, and Agnes Graham (b. 1817) who had married in 1845. He had seven siblings.

The family returned to England around 1856, but Alfred reportedly left Britain before the close of the 1870s and settled in Clarendon, Texas where he operated a ranch. He made frequent trips to England and was married in London in late 1901 to Constance Ethel Kingsley (b. 1865). The couple would have four children. The family were permanently settled in England by 1910—with Alfred continuing to make trips to Texas to oversee his ranch.

Alfred was making one of his trips to Texas when he boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger. At the time of sailing, Alfred’s wife was pregnant with their fifth child.

Died: Alfred died in the sinking. Accounts at the time suggested that after the sinking he swam to a piece of ice where he was later found frozen to death. However the body was simply picked up, like so many others, by the cable ship Mackay-Bennett. It was forwarded from Halifax on May 4, 1912 to Liverpool on the Empress of Britain. On Tuesday May 14, 1912 Rowe was buried at Toxteth Park Cemetery, Liverpool.

His widow Constance gave birth to a son she named Alfred before the close of the year. She never remarried and in later years settled in Wales. She died on February 24, 1946.

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Mr. Abraham Lincoln Salomon, Age 43

Mr. Abraham Lincoln Salomon was born on October 1, 1868 in New York City. He was the son of Judah Salomon and Caroline Leman. As an adult Mr. Salomon shortened his first name to “Abram.”

Abraham was married to Hattie Wolff (b. 1876), the daughter of German immigrant Baruch Wolff and wife Julia Frances Stieglitz. Julia was a cousin of photographer Alfred Stieglitz, the husband of renowned artist Georgia O’Keeffe. The couple lived in Manhattan and had a daughter, Helen Cassie Salomon, on November 15, 1900.

In 1911 Abraham, the owner of a wholesale stationary business, traveled to Europe on business and was returning to the United States on the Titanic. He boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger.

Survived: Abraham survived in Lifeboat 1.

After surviving the disaster Abraham continued as the owner of a wholesale stationery business. He never spoke of Titanic. His wife, Hattie, died in Manhattan on November 15, 1943. Daughter Helen Cassie Salomon never married and lived in the family home to care for her father in his old age. She died in Manhattan on March 29, 1971.

When Abraham died on May 21, 1959 he left an estate estimated at $117,000.

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Mr. Frederic Kimber Seward, Age 34

Mr. Frederic Kimber Seward was born in Wilmington, Delaware on March 23, 1878. He was the son of Samuel Swayze Seward (1838-1916), a clergyman, and Christina F. Kimber (1837-1906). He had four siblings. Following the death of his mother in 1906 his father was remarried to Rosalie Chesterman (b. 1856) of New York.

Frederic graduated from Columbia University in 1899 and was a prominent member of the Glee Club during his college days. He later worked for the law firm of Curtis, Mallet, Prevot & Colt. Frederic was married on August 30, 1902 to Sara Flemington Day (b. 1878), and the couple had three children: Kimber (b. 1903), Katherine (b. 1908) and Samuel Swayze (b. 1910).

Frederic had been on a two-month-long business trip in Europe and boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a first class passenger to return home.

Survived: On the night of the sinking Frederic played cards with William Sloper and his church friend Dorothy Gibson in the first class lounge when the impact occurred. Miss Gibson insisted that her two male friends join her in the first lfeboat to be launched, Lifeboat 7.

Following the disaster Frederic went to great lengths to trace the whereabouts of the children of John Montgomery Smart, who was lost in the disaster. Frederic’s law firm had represented the American Cold Storage and Shipping Company, of which Smart was President. Frederic only knew that the children were in Europe but knew little to no other details and employed many European papers as intermediaries, finally receiving word that a boy and girl had been discovered in a school in Belgium.

Frederic and his family later moved to Queens, New York. He was widowed in 1932 when his wife Sara passed away. He himself died in Queens on December 7, 1943.

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Mrs. Alice Gray Silvey, Age 39

Mrs. Alice Gray Silvey (née Munger) was born in Duluth, Minnesota on October 19, 1872. She was the daughter of Roger Sherman Munger (1830-1913) and Olive M. Gray (1835-1894). Alice had two known siblings: Edward (b. 1859) and Mary Emma (b. 1863).

Alice was married on June 28, 1893 to William Baird Silvey (b. 1861), who had interests in the West Duluth Land Company and held the lease on the West Superior Hotel. He had also previously held the lease on the Spalding Hotel where they lived for a period. Alice and William had one child, Alice Melville, who was born March 26, 1894.

Alice and William had been on a trip to Europe without their daughter Alice, who was studying in Farmington, Connecticut. For their return trip, they boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passengers.

Survived: On the night of the sinking Alice dressed warmly, throwing on two heavy coats and as she and her husband,William, left their stateroom. He cautioned her to heed all orders of the ship’s officers but to remain calm as there was probably no grave danger. Alice was ordered into Lifeboat 11, and she embraced her husband briefly before stepping into the boat. She stumbled upon entry, having tripped over what she claimed was a stowaway hiding under a seat. Alice lost her husband in the sinking and she later claimed that it was not until she was unable to locate him on Carpathia that the comprehension of what had happened struck home.

Following Alice’s arrival in New York she traveled to Washington, DC to see her late husband’s family. She later settled in New York from 1914-1918 and in 1918 was remarried to Richard Steedman Patrick (b. 1880), a native of Fife, Scotland who had emigrated in 1897 and was involved in the mining industry. The couple resettled in Duluth where Alice would spend the rest of her life. She was an active member of her community and was involved in various musical affairs, notably the Matinee Musical and the Duluth Symphony Organization. She was also a member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and a charter member of the Liberty chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution.

Alice’s husband Richard passed away on March 19, 1949. Alice died on May 2, 1958. She was buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, Duluth.

Her daughter Alice never married and spent many years living in New York. She died in her native Minnesota on October 24, 1975.

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Mr. William Thompson Sloper, Age 28

Mr. William Thompson Sloper was born on December 13, 1883 in New Britain, Connecticut. He was the son of Andrew Jackson Sloper, former president of New Britain National Bank, and Ella Thomson Sloper.

William, a stock broker and estate manager, was returning from a three-month vacation in Europe. On his tour, he had met the family of Mark Fortune. William apparently became so fond of Mark’s daughter, Alice, that he canceled his passage on the Mauretania and booked instead on the Titanic. William boarded at Southampton as a first class passenger.

Survived: When the Titanic struck the iceberg, William was playing bridge with some friends. Sloper was rescued in Lifeboat 7. The lifeboat was one of the early boats sent away and First Officer William Murdoch was freely allowing men into the starboard side lifeboats when there were no women around. According to William, he owed his life to Dorothy Gibson, an actress and one of his bridge companions, who got into the lifeboat and insisted that he join her.

A New York Herald reporter identified William on April 19 as having dressed in women’s clothing to escape the ship. On the advice of his father, other family members and trusted friends, William did not sue the Herald nor the reporter. He decided that the fuss would eventually pass; however, he spent the rest of his life refuting the charge.

Following the disaster William became a managing partner of Judd & Co. in New Britain, a private investment firm which in 1926 succeeded the former New York Stock Exchange firm of Judd & Co.

He married Mrs. Helen Tallmadge Lindenberg on February 26, 1915 in Columbus, Ohio and raised her three daughters from a previous marriage. William passed away on May 1, 1955. He was buried at Fairview Lawn Cemetery, New Britain, Connecticut. Helen died on July 30, 1967.

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Mrs. Mary Eloise Smith, Age 18

Mrs. Mary Eloise Hughes Smith was born on August 7, 1893 in Huntington, West Virginia. Her father was West Virginia Congressman James A. Hughes and her mother was Belle Vinson Hughes, a member of the Vinson family who were well-known in politics.

With her father in the House of Representatives, Eloise spent a significant amount of her childhood in Washington, DC. Upon her debut to society in January 1912, Eloise caught the attention of Mr. Lucian Philip Smith, 24. The couple married on February 8, 1912. The Smiths left for a long honeymoon in Europe. The newlyweds decided to end their journey early when Eloise discovered she was pregnant.

Eloise and Lucian booked a first-class passage back to the United States on the Titanic. They boarded the ship in Cherbourg.

Survived: On Sunday evening, following dinner in the Café Parisian, Eloise’s husband’s Lucian was playing a game of cards with three Frenchmen. When the accident occurred at 11:40, Eloise had already retired for the night. She was awakened after the collision by Lucian. Eloise was rescued in Lifeboat 6, under the command of Quartermaster Robert Hitchens. Lucian was lost, and his body was not among the recovered that were identified.

On November 29, 1912, Eloise gave birth to Lucian Phillip Smith, Jr. On August 18, 1914, Eloise remarried fellow first class survivor Robert Williams Daniel of Richmond, Virginia. The couple divorced in 1923. Eloise would marry twice more before reverting back to her first married name of Smith.

Eloise died on May 3, 1940 in a Cincinnati, Ohio sanitarium. She was 46. Her death was attributed to a heart attack. She was interred in the Vinson family plot in Spring Hill Cemetery, Huntington, West Virginia.

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Mr. John Pillsbury Snyder, Age 24

Mr. John Pillsbury Snyder was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota on January 8, 1888. His father was a partner in the law firm Snyder & Gale and at one point was president of the University of Minnesota. His mother Susan was the daughter of one-time Minnesota Governor John Sargent Pillsbury. John’s mother died in 1891 and his father remarried Leonora Stuart Dickson.

John was married on January 22, 1912 to Nelle Stevenson (b. 1889) who was a native of St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin. They left for Europe where they honeymooned, spending time in Gibraltar and Italy. John was in the car business and the visit to Italy was spent arranging a dealership of Fiat cars.

For their return to the United States the couple boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers.

Survived: On the night of the sinking John and Nelle had retired around 11:30 and were in their stateroom when the ship collided with the iceberg. They both left their cabin to investigate and saw other bewildered passengers milling around. They asked a passing steward if they had struck anything and the man nonchalantly replied that they had just “grazed an iceberg” but that there was no danger and they were better going back to bed. Soon they heard a man knock at the door of an adjacent cabin; he had just come down from the decks above and reported to his friend that something serious may have happened. John and Nelle decided to get dressed and go up top; when they got there a member of the crew was addressing the gathered passengers, advising them to return and fetch their lifebelts. The Snyders did as instructed and soon rejoined other passengers on the Boat Deck where they saw the crew swinging out the lifeboats.

When the crew called out for people to enter the first lifeboat being filled (number 7), the Snyders reported that a large number of the crowd seemed reluctant and stepped back. John and Nelle were assisted into the boat, which was the first launched. They reported that the boat pulled away for about 200 yards before resting and was soon tied up to other boats during the night.

Following the disaster John and Nelle settled in Minneapolis and had three children: John Pillsbury (1913-1989), Thomas Stevenson (1915-1976) and Susan (1918-1984). John became a successful businessman and operated the Snyder Garage Inc. in Minneapolis. He also served as a director of various mining corporations and served one term in the Minnesota House of Representatives as a Republican in the 1920s.

John retired in 1955 and settled in Ferndale, Minnesota where he was a keen huntsman, fisherman, bowler and golfer, and he served on the board of directors of the Great Northern Insurance Company.

John suffered a heart attack and died at his local golf club, the Woodhill Country Club, Orono, Minnesota on July 22, 1959. Nelle died on December 9, 1983. The couple are buried in Lakewood Cemetery, Minneapolis.

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Dr. Max Stähelin-Maeglin, Age 32

Dr. Max Stähelin-Maeglin was born on February 18, 1880 in Basel, Switzerland. He married a woman named Martha in 1912. The couple had no children.

In 1907 Max, who worked as a lawyer, became director of the Swiss Trust Co. (Schweizer Treuhandgesell-schaft) founded by the Swiss Bankverein.

Max traveled to New York from his home in Switzerland to visit the office of a Swiss embroidery company that the Swiss Trust Co. was taking over. He boarded the Titanic as first class passenger at Southampton.

Survived: On the night of the sinking, Max, and two others, Maximilian Frölicher-Stehli and Alfons Simonius-Blumer, were playing cards in the first class smoking room until shortly after 11 p.m. As Max was about to undress in his stateroom for bed, he felt a slight jolt and a deep sounding roll in the ship. He asked a steward outside what had happened, but the steward had no information. He fully dressed and went upstairs. At 12:50 a.m. he entered Lifeboat 3 together with Alfons Simonius-Blumer, and they rowed part of the way to keep warm. He was rescued by the Carpathia and brought to New York.

In New York, he stayed at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel with fellow survivor Alfons Simonius-Blumer Staehelin. They visited the Heine Company on business and traveled back to Europe on May 7, 1912.

In 1928 he became president of the Swiss Bankverein, where he served until 1944.

His wife Martha died in October 1955. Max died on August 3, 1968.

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Mr. William Thomas Stead, Age 62

Mr. William Thomas Stead was born in Manse, England on July 5, 1849. He was the son of Rev. W. Stead, a congregational minister, and Isabella, daughter of John Jobson, a Yorkshire farmer. In 1873 William married Emma Lucy Wilson and they had six children.

William became a prominent journalist and passionate pacifist. After The Hague conference, which he attended, he strongly opposed the war in the Transvaal. In 1900 William supported the formation of a Union International to combat militarism and to secure the adoption of the recommendations of The Hague Conference.

William was traveling to America to take part in a peace congress at Carnegie Hall on April 21 at the request of President Taft. He boarded the Titanic as a first class passenger at Southampton.

Died: William died in the sinking and his body, if recovered, was never identified.

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Mrs. Martha Evelyn Stone, Age 61

Mrs. Martha Evelyn Stone was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts on January 29, 1851. She was the daughter of Stephen Hayden Stone (b. 1816) and Mary Ann Emerson (b. 1820), and had two siblings: Albert (b. 1845) and Charles (b. 1847).

Martha, who worked as a bookkeeper, was married on October 15, 1884 to John H. Harrington (b. 1833), a clerk. The couple had no children and John died on June 12, 1885 after less than a year of marriage.

Martha was remarried to George Nelson Stone (b. 1841), a native of New Hampshire and an executive in a telephone company, Cincinnati Bell. Martha was widowed again the following year after which she took up residence in the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan.

Martha boarded the Titanic in Southampton and was traveling in first class with her maid Amelie Icard.

Survived: Martha was awake in bed when the Titanic struck the iceberg. She slipped a kimono over her night dress, put on her slippers, and went out into the corridor and found other people similarly attired. After being told by a crew member that there was no danger, she went back to bed and never received a warning. The roaring steam went on for what seemed like forever so she got up and dressed and stepped out into the corridor again. There, the daughter of the woman across the hall came running down the corridor, telling her to put on her life preserver and that they must get into the boats. Martha hurried to deck with the woman. They found the sailors getting into the lifeboats, but there was no real order in loading the boats.

Martha and her maid, Amelie, got into Lifeboat 6 and were rescued. She thought there were about 20 women and two men in the boat. Her role in the boat was to stand on the plug, which she did for seven hours. Another woman waved the only lantern they had in the boat for seven hours.

Martha died in Manhattan, New York on May 12, 1924, still a resident of the Plaza Hotel. She was buried four days later in Cincinnati, Ohio beside her second husband. In her will she bequeathed a large sum of cash and other personal possessions to her maid, Amelie Icard.

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Mrs. Tillie Taussig, Age 39

Mrs. Tillie Taussig (née Mandelbaum) was born in Manhattan, New York on December 18, 1872. She was the daughter of German-born Jewish parents Herman Mandelbaum (1849-1933), a tobacco merchant, and Rosa Weil (1849-1921). She had two siblings: Sarah (b. 1869) and Blanche (b. 1883).

Tillie was married on January 18, 1893 to Emil Taussig (b. 1857), the Bohemian-born son of a children’s clothing manufacturer. Their only child, a daughter named Ruth, was born towards the end of 1893. Emil later became President of the West Disinfecting Company in Buffalo, New York.

Following a visit to Vienna, Tillie, Emil and their daughter Ruth boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers.

Survived: On the night of the sinking the Taussigs were reportedly alerted to the danger by German steward Alfred Theissinger. Tillie and her daughter Ruth escaped in Lifeboat 8. Her husband, Emil, was lost in the sinking.

Five months after the disaster, while administering her late husband’s estate, Mrs. Taussig found some shares which had hitherto been thought worthless. Mrs. Taussig sold the shares, for the Engelhardt Collapsible Lifeboat Company, for $2,000.

Tillie was remarried on February 14, 1920 to Morris Samuel (b. 1863), a clothing merchant and widower originally from Rochester, New York. They resided in Manhattan. Morris and Tillie were avid globe trekkers, visiting many destinations including: France, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Hawaii, Palestine, Egypt, Gibraltar, Monaco, Italy, Greece, Algeria, Turkey, Spain, Tunisia and Portugal.

Ruth was married on December 1, 1915 to New York-born tobacco merchant Julius Bernhard Lichtenstein (b. 1887). The couple went on to have two daughters, Eleanor (b. 1916) and Alice (b. 1920). Ruth died on January 9, 1925 as a result of typhoid.

Tillie was widowed for a second time on August 2, 1948. She passed away in Manhattan on June 17, 1957.

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Mr. Elmer Zebley Taylor, Age 48

Mr. Elmer Zebley Taylor was born in Smyrna, Delaware on March 13, 1864. He was the son of George Washington Taylor (1836-1910), a machinist, and Mary Elizabeth Dady (1841-1929), both Delaware natives.

Elmer lived in Philadelphia and was married in 1886 to Juliet Cummings Wright (b. 1862). The couple moved to England in the 1890s and were avid globetrotters.

Known as a pioneer in the paper container industry, Elmer designed and manufactured automatic machinery for moisture-proof paper food containers.

The Taylors spent many summers in East Orange, New Jersey and they were heading there from London when they boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers. Also traveling aboard was Fletcher Lambert-Williams, Elmer’s business partner.

Survived: On the night of the sinking Elmer reported that he was awakened by the impact. He and his wife, Juliet, got up and dressed, leaving their stateroom. On their way to the Boat Deck they passed Fletcher Lambert-Williams’ cabin and knocked on the door; he answered but said he didn’t believe it worthwhile to get up. They never saw him again. Elmer and Juliet were rescued in either Lifeboat 5 or 7.

Elmer and Juliet resettled in East Orange, New Jersey in 1914 and he was widowed in 1927. He was remarried twice, first to Katherine Elizabeth Guthrie (b. 1871 in Cleveland, Ohio) and later to Beatrice Swann (b. 1896 in Charlestown, West Virginia).

Elmer sold Mono Service Co. in 1945 to Continental Can Co., Inc., and continued to serve as a consultant engineer. The Titanic disaster did not deter Taylor from sea voyages and he continued to travel well into old age. Just before the outbreak of World War II he made two business trips to Russia.

Elmer died on May 20, 1949 and was buried with his first wife in St. Peter’s Cemetery, Delaware.

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Miss Gertrude Maybelle Thorne, Age 37

Mrs. Gertrude Maybelle Thorne (née McMinn) was born on January 26, 1875 in San Francisco, California. She was the daughter of William C. McMinn (b. 1840) and Emma Amanda McGee (b. 1856) and she had two sisters.

By 1878, Gertrude’s father William C. McMinn had abandoned his family and Gertrude’s mother Emma A. McGee soon married Samuel Abraham Wayne. On June 16, 1899, Gertrude married Harry Thorne in Santa Clara, California. By 1910, Gertrude was widowed—by 1912, she was the mistress of George Rosenshine.

To hide the fact that she was sharing a cabin while unmarried, Gertrude boarded with George under the assumed names of George and Gertrude Thorne. The couple were returning from a business trip and holiday when they boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passengers.

Survived: Gertrude escaped in the last lifeboat, Collapsible D. Her partner George perished in the disaster.

On July 12, 1913 in Stanford, Connecticut, Gertrude married Richard Centennius Yanke (b. 1876) and they lived with a maid in Manhattan, New York. After Richard passed away in 1935, Gertrude lived in Paris with her widowed sister Maude Costigan.

Gertrude died on November 19, 1947 in Nice, France from a cerebral hemorrhage and was buried at Cimetière de L’Est, Nice, France. Her sister Maude continued to live in France until her death in 1956.

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Mr. Gilbert Milligan Tucker Jr., Age 31

Mr. Gilbert Milligan Tucker, Jr. was born on November 3, 1880 in Albany, New York. He was the son of author Gilbert Milligan Tucker (b. 1847) and his wife Sara Edwards Miller, who had married in 1877. Gilbert’s father was the editor of The Country Gentleman and author of Our Common Speech. Gilbert was also a writer with his father’s paper.

Gilbert had travelled with his parents and sister to Europe for vacation, but during their travels he met Margaret Hays, who was touring Europe with her friend Olive Earnshaw and Olive’s mother Lily Potter. Gilbert immediately fell for Margaret and when she prepared to return to America he left his family tour to spend more time with her.

Appointing himself as their unofficial escort, Gilbert and the three ladies boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg.

Survived: After the collision with the iceberg Gilbert helped the three ladies he was “escorting” into lifejackets at the landing on C Deck; they then went to the Boat Deck where they were all permitted to board Lifeboat 7.

Margaret Hays kept in regular contact with Gilbert Tucker after their rescue but chose to marry Dr. Charles D. Easton, a Rhode Island physician in 1913. She passed away in 1956. Gilbert married Mildred Penrose Stewart in 1922. The couple had no children.

Gilbert, who suffered from rumors that he dressed as a woman to board a lifeboat, managed to put the Titanic infamy behind him by midlife. He authored four books and became a leading voice for Georgists, a tax-reform group based on the writings of economist Henry George.

Gilbert died on February 26, 1968. He was buried at the Little Chapel By The Sea, Pacific Grove, California.

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Don Manuel Ramirez Uruchurtu, Age 39

Don Manuel Ramirez Uruchurtu was born on June 27, 1872 in Hermosillo, Mexico. He was the son of Captain Mateo Uruchurtu Días and Mercedes Ramirez Estrella.

Manuel settled in Mexico City with his family and started a law practice. During the dictatorship of President Porfirio Díaz, Manuel was a well-established figure. When President Diaz’s regime crumbled in 1910, Manuel’s financial status made him a “catrine,” a wealthy person with well-defined alliances with the former establishment. In mid-February 1912, Manuel decided to travel to France and visit his close friend General Ramón Corral, a very distinguished military strategist to former president Porfirio.

Manuel, after meeting with General Ramón and possibly also with Porfirio himself, planned to return home to his wife. He boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a first class passenger.

Died: On the night of the sinking it is said that Manuel had the opportunity to take a seat in Lifeboat 11 but that, as the boat was about to be lowered, he noticed an English lady of the second class standing by the bulwark. She pleaded to be let into the boat, because her husband and little child were awaiting her. He stood up and offered his place to her, only asking her to visit his wife at Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico.

Manuel died in the sinking. His body, if recovered, was never identified.

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Mrs. Anna Sophia Warren, Age 60

Mrs. Anna Sophia Warren (née Atkinson) was born in Oregon City, Oregon on October 24, 1851. She was the daughter of George Henry Atkinson (1819-1889) a missionary, and Nancy Bates (1815-1895) who were married in 1846 in Springfield, Vermont.

Anna graduated from Mills College and she taught at St. Helen’s Hall. She was married in 1872 to Maine native Frank Manley Warren (b. 1848), founder of the Warren Packing Co., a fish canning company. The couple had four children. The Warrens were active in their local community and members of the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Portland.

In early 1912 the Warrens spent a three month-long vacation in Europe as a celebration of their 40th wedding anniversary. To return to the United States they boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passengers.

Survived: Whilst waiting in the corridors Anna and Frank spotted one of the H&W guarantee group rushing past them towards the stairs, electrician, William Henry Marsh Parr, and they asked him for an explanation of what was happening. He didn’t reply and brushed past. The Warrens continued to wait around the staircase for what Anna thought was around 45 minutes, when a steward came and asked them to put on their lifebelts and head topside. They returned to their cabin to fetch their lifejackets and ascended to the Boat Deck.

Beckoned towards Lifeboat 5, Anna stepped into the craft and expected her husband to follow. When she looked around, despite the dark, she saw him assisting other ladies into the boat. She never saw him again. Although Anna survived the sinking, her husband was lost and his body was never recovered.

Following the disaster Anna returned to Oregon and lived out her life as a widow in Portland, remaining an active member of her community, especially in her church and for the YWCA. She died in Portland on July 16, 1925 and was buried in River View Cemetery in that city.

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Colonel John Weir, Age 61

Colonel John Weir was born in Innerleithen, Scotland on May 14, 1850. He was the son of John Weir (b. 1819) and Jane Gillies (b. 1821). Colonel Weir married twice, first to Catherine Plant with whom he had a son, Robert, and then to Harriet “Hattie” Elizabeth Mallinson, with whom he had three children, Harold, Beatrice and Mary.

John moved to the United States and became president of the Nevada-Utah Mines & Smelters corporation. He also served during the Spanish-American War, where he earned the rank of Colonel.

John moved back to Britain, but made frequent trips back to the United States. He planned to travel on the Philadelphia to California in order to look over some mining areas, but the sailing was postponed by a national coal strike in Britain. John transferred his ticket to the Titanic and boarded at Southampton as a first class passenger.

Died: John died in the sinking and his body, if recovered, was never identified.

John left a net estate of £26,876, part of which consisted of stocks and bonds he had on his person aboard Titanic, which was divided between his wife and four children. His son Harold had been appointed administrator of the estate, but his older son from his first marriage, Robert, soon appeared to contest his will. As the son of John’s first wife Catherine, Robert claimed to be the only legitimate heir of John and attacked the validity of John’s second marriage.

John’s widow Hattie died in Manhattan on April 4, 1919 and was buried in North Cornwall Cemetery in East Orange, New Jersey.

His son Robert made his home in Queensland, Australia where he worked as a farmer and sugar boiler among other professions. He was married to Nellie Archer (1883-1969) and raised a large family before his death in 1946.

John’s son Harold later became a civic engineer, married Amy Ruth Fraye (b. 1878), and lived in Santa Clara, California where they raised a family. He died in 1960.

No public record exists for John’s two daughters.

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Mrs. Mary Peebles Wick, Age 45

Mrs. Mary Peebles Wick (née Hitchcock) was born in Youngstown, Ohio on October 12, 1866. She was the daughter of William James Hitchcock (b. 1827) and Mary Johnson Peebles (b. 1837). Mary, known to friends and family as Mollie, was married on June 19, 1896 to George Dennick Wick who, like her father, was an iron businessman and president of assorted iron companies in various parts of Ohio. Mary and George had one child, George Dennick, Jr, on March 19, 1897.

Mary’s husband George had been suffering from ill-health for several years and they decided that a vacation to Europe might benefit his well-being.

The family was returning home to the United States when they boarded the Titanic at Southampton as first class passengers.

Survived: When the collision occurred, Mary thought that a boiler had exploded. Mary and husband George were in their stateroom when her stepdaughter, Mary, and Caroline Bonnell came to tell them that the Titanic had struck an iceberg. George rebuked the suggestion. Later, a crewmember must have told them to put on their life vests and go up on deck. There, they were met by stepdaughter Mary and Caroline. Caroline went below to bring her aunt Elizabeth up on deck and then the Wicks and Bonnells waited together. The women were placed into Lifeboat 8. Mary looked up and watched her husband stand at the rail and wave goodbye. They drifted about for five hours in the cold before being rescued by the Carpathia. George died in the sinking and his body, if recovered, was never identified.

Mary’s name was not on the initial lists of survivors and the Ohio newspapers speculated that she had died. Her son did not find out his mother had survived until several days after the sinking. He and William F. Bonnell were among the family members that traveled to New York City to meet the Carpathia. When they applied for tickets to enter the restricted area, they found that dozens of reporters had already claimed tickets as family members.

Mary refused to believe that her husband George was lost and remained in New York for several days with her family awaiting news. A memorial service was held in Youngstown on April 24, 1912 for him.

Mary never remarried and remained in Youngstown, reportedly wearing dark-colored clothing in mourning for the rest of her life. Among her many activities, she was later the president of the local YWCA. During World War I she was active in the National League for Women’s Service and was on the Board of Supervisors of the Mahoning County Red Cross. She was also president of the Woman’s Workers Society of the First Presbyterian Church and on the board of the Youngstown City Hospital.

Mary died on January 30, 1920 as a result of pneumonia. She is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Youngstown and her husband is commemorated on her grave.

Her son George was later married to Ruth Kuhn (1899-1974), a Tennessee native, and had three children: Antoinette Mary (b. 1919), George Dennick (b. 1922) and David Kuhn (b. 1927). He lived in various places, including Ohio and Connecticut and he eventually died in Columbus, North Carolina on March 13, 1975.

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Mr. George Wright, Age 62

Mr. George Wright was born in Tufts Cove, Nova Scotia, on October 26, 1849. He was a farmer’s son, but during a visit to the United States Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876, he got the idea to compile an international business directory, and became a successful printer before he was 30.

George was a private individual with a social conscience. He was committed to better housing for the working poor, and he created a subdivision in Halifax which was one of the first in the world to integrate housing for the rich and poor.

George sailed to Europe on the Empress of Ireland in 1911, and was in Paris when he learned of Titanic’s maiden voyage. He apparently booked passage at the last minute as his name is not listed on the passenger lists distributed onboard the ship. George boarded at Southampton as a first class passenger.

Died: George kept to himself on the ship, and friends speculate that because he was a heavy sleeper he probably went to bed on the evening of April 14 and possibly never woke up. His body, if recovered, was never identified.

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Miss Marie Grice Young, Age 36

Miss Marie Grice Young was born on January 5, 1876. She was an accomplished musician and was once employed as music instructor to Miss Ethel Roosevelt, daughter of Theodore Roosevelt, while he was serving as President.

Marie was best friends (and possible partners) with Mrs. Ella White (b. 1856). Ella had been widowed in 1897 and the two women shared Ella’s family home. They spent summers at their cottage in New Hampshire, and often traveled abroad together, collecting art and antiques. They were concluding a vacation in England and France, where they had purchased poultry for their farm.

Marie and Ella were returning to Washington DC, where Marie had once lived, when they (and their chickens) boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passengers.

Survived: Marie’s friend Ella has been confined to their cabin for the entirety of the voyage as she had sprained her ankle. However, Marie and Ella were rescued in Lifeboat 8. While on board the resue ship Carpathia Marie began a narrative of the sinking which was later published in the National Magazine, called “Lest We Forget.”

Following the disaster, rumors circulated that Marie had conversed with Major Archibald Butt during the sinking, a personal friend of Theodore Roosevelt, who died in the sinking. She wrote to the president to debunk these rumors.

After the tragedy, Ella and Marie resumed their life together at Briarcliff and continued traveling and collecting. On Ella’s death on January 31, 1942, the bulk of her estate was left to Marie.

Marie spent her last days in a rest home in Amsterdam, New York and died July 27, 1959.

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Other Passengers