Signature in the Schools: UnResigned
by Joe Calarco Feb 17 - Feb 24, 2020Alejandro has revolutionized student government at his Pennsylvania high school. Before he came on board, student government looked like it does at many high schools. Planning Homecoming mostly. But when Alejandro joined, it became about helping the poor, giving aid to asylum seekers, helping students join protest marches in DC. He changed his high school for the better. But when he unexpectedly resigns from being student body president halfway through his senior year, the entire school is shaken. Who will take over? Who should take over? This exciting new play looks at the ways we contribute to our community, the power of the vote and what it means to be a citizen in the United States in 2020. Featuring a cast and crew of local high school students and Signature favorite Maria Rizzo.
Signature in the Schools, Signature Theatre’s flagship education program, is a multifaceted program that encompasses workshops for English, Social Studies and Theatre classes, theatrical training for young artists, and the creation of an original play. The program includes pre-and post-show visits to school classrooms, resource guides for students, and curriculum guides for teachers. Signature in the Schools is offered to all participants free of charge. Students from throughout Northern Virginia also attend daytime performances for free to see their peers perform.
Creative Team
Signature in the Schools is sponsored by Bonnie Feld and Dominion Energy
Additional support is provided by the Arlington Community Foundation, Mike Blank, GEICO, Mary Ann Gilleece, Frank Guzzetta & Paul Manville, Andrew A. Isen, Louis Mazawey, Northrop Grumman, PayPal Gives, The Nora Roberts Foundation, David S. Shrager Foundation, Venable Foundation, Virginia Commission for the Arts, and the Washington Forrest Foundation.
New Work at Signature Theatre is sponsored by Dan & Gloria Logan with additional support from The Reva & David Logan Foundation