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Meet the Cast of Freaky Friday

October 5, 2016

We asked the cast of Freaky Friday three questions about themselves and what they’d do if they swapped places with their parent for the day.

Click each picture below to see their answers!

Where are you from originally? Fresno, California

Tell us about your character. I play Katherine Blake, mother to Ellie and Fletcher and about to be married to super sweet/cute, contractor Mike. She’s a chef trying to run her own catering business. She’s a Type-A, uber-organized multi-tasker who’s not doing a great job identifying with her teenage daughter, Ellie, whom she’s about to switch lives with for a day. And then I’m ELLIE!!! Ellie is a pretty typical, messy, moody 16-year-old, with a hard-core crush on a cool boy and big chip on her shoulder. She’s a lovable spaz who doesn’t really appreciate her mother or her little brother, until she spends the day in her mother’s shoes…

What one thing would you definitely do if you swapped places with your parent for the day? Hmmmmm… My real life is so busy and crazy, I think I would enjoy the pace of their semi-retired life and take their nice car for a drive up the California coast. :)

Where are you from originally? Los Angeles!

Tell us about your character. I play Ellie Blake, a daughter who switches places with her mother and has to experience life in her shoes for just one day.

What one thing would you definitely do if you swapped places with your parent for the day? If I switched bodies with my mom for a day, I think I would probably take myself shopping. My mom and I are very similar but I don’t think she treats herself to excursions very much. She works really hard and I think I would like to take her out for a day and buy her nice things for her to enjoy when she got back in her body.

Where are you from originally? Born in Pittsburgh, PA. Raised in Baytown, TX

Tell us about your character. Mike is Katherine’s fiancee. I think he has a bad divorce in his past and is so glad to have found a new love and family with Katherine and her two kids.

What one thing would you definitely do if you swapped places with your parent for the day? Yell at my sister!

Where are you from originally? I’m from Warrenton, VA

Tell us about your character. Fletcher is a very creative person that likes to play with his puppets, Angry Bob and Caspian. Fletcher has a really strong relationship with Mike because he doesn’t remember his biological dad. He secretly looks up to his big sister.

What one thing would you definitely do if you swapped places with your parent for the day? I would switch with my dad. I would drive his police car really fast with the sirens on!! If I switched with my mom, I would use the oven by myself and bake cakes!

Where are you from originally? I was born in Reston, Virginia and live in Great Falls, Virginia with my parents, little sister, and two labradoodle puppies.

Tell us about your character. I think Fletcher is a little lonely because people think he’s weird because of his puppets.

What one thing would you definitely do if you swapped places with your parent for the day? I would definitely buy a plane ticket and go to Australia because I LOVE Australia. I would also go to a fair there and spend lots of money playing fair games and arcade games.

Where are you from originally? Brooklyn, NY!

Tell us about your character. Adam has an obsession with sandwiches. He steals Ellie’s lunch every day because her mom makes “epic” sandwiches and he may or may not sing a song about them in Act II…. In case you were wondering, I cannot identify with this at all.

What one thing would you definitely do if you swapped places with your parent for the day? If I spent a day as Marla Gotay… there would be probably be some changes to her wardrobe, she may take some $$$ out of her savings for a day trip somewhere tropical…. I mean, she could really use some R&R, you know what I mean?

Where are you from originally? Burlington, Ontario Canada (close to Toronto)

Tell us about your character. A people pleaser, harried assistant to Katherine.

What one thing would you definitely do if you swapped places with your parent for the day? As my Mom I would talk to people and pry a little and find out what she says about me. Not to be sneaky but to get a perspective.

Where are you from originally? I am from the Bay Area in California. Or as I like to call it the BEST area.

Tell us about your character. Think Regina George from Mean Girls meets Sharpay Evans from High School Musical meets Michelle Obama.

What one thing would you definitely do if you swapped places with your parent for the day? I would ask the other parent to tell me all the embarrassing stories they have hidden from me for all these years because I’m their child. It’s time I know!

Where are you from originally? I’m originally from Madison, MS! I went to college in Nashville, TN and after I graduated I moved to NYC and have been there for the past 3 years.

Tell us about your character. I play Gretchen. She is one of Ellie’s best friends. She’s a ball of emotional energy and has quite the flare for the dramatics. :)

What one thing would you definitely do if you swapped places with your parent for the day? Get a tattoo of my name on their arm inside a heart, biker style, because I’m a good daughter :)

Where are you from originally? DC! But mostly grew up in Bowie, MD.

Tell us about your character. I play Hannah, one of Ellie’s best friends. She super focused on school (and winning The Hunt) and hates to disobey the rules. She’s also an Aries and extremely loyal.

What one thing would you definitely do if you swapped places with your parent for the day? Take out a loan.

Where are you from originally? Potomac, MD

Tell us about your character. I play a bunch of folks. Ms. Meyers is a no-nonsense hard core gym teacher. The Journalist is very cosmopolitan and works for the prestigious Weddings Magazine. Officer Sitz takes her policework very seriously. She is the leader of her team and constantly has to corral her partner. I also play Savannah’s mom and the florist for the wedding.

What one thing would you definitely do if you swapped places with your parent for the day? I would do all the nicest things with my daughter, go to brunch, have a spa day, see a movie. Wait, I think that’s stuff my mom and I already love to do together!

Where are you from originally? Originally from Nashville, TN

Tell us about your character. My main character is Grandma, Katherine’s mother. But I also play Miss Luckenbill, the English teacher; Mrs Time, the antique shop owner; Gretchen’s Mom and Assistant Gym Coach. I may have 5 wig changes. I’ll be busy.

What one thing would you definitely do if you swapped places with your parent for the day? I would love to be able to think calmly like my father and be able to paint and be as good with all crafts like my mom.

Where are you from originally? Madison, Wisconsin

Tell us about your character. I play Parker Harrison, who, along with his brother Wells, are just on the cusp of both puberty and popularity at Grover Cleveland High.

What one thing would you definitely do if you swapped places with your parent for the day? Tell me to be quiet (I’m really loud…like all the time)


Where are you from originally? Born and raised in Indianapolis, IN. GO HOOSIERS!!

Tell us about your character. I play Wells Harrison, one of Ellie’s high school friends! Parker is my amazing brother and we wreck havoc around the Chicago area.

What one thing would you definitely do if you swapped places with your parent for the day? Shop all day for my parent so that they’d be extra stylish and trendy once we swapped back. LOVE YOU MOM!!

Where are you from originally? I am from Blacksburg, VA.

Tell us about your character. I play two frustrated teachers, a father that enjoys Cher, and Grandpa Gordon.


Where were you from originally? I was born and raised in Jacksonville, FL- Go Jags!

Tell us about your character. I play the role of Laurel, one-third of Savannah’s posse. She’s completely caught up in being in the “cool” clique of the school, but secretly just wants to get good grades like her friends.

What one thing would you definitely do if you swapped places with your parent for the day? My mom and I always joke about the fact that we have very similar styles, except that mine is much more colorful. So, I would definitely fill her closet with anything that doesn’t contain the colors white, black, navy or gray (you’re welcome, mom :p).

Where were you from originally? I am originally from rural CT where I grew up on a farm.

Tell us about your character. I play 7 characters in this show (Fishmonger, Dr. Ehrin, Pastor Bruno, Hannah’s Dad, Officer Kowalski, Security Guard, and Coach) so it would take a million years to say too much about them. But it has been a blast not just fleshing them out on stage but dealing with the physical tracks of costumes and entrances, etc. Its a marathon sometimes back stage!!

What one thing would you definitely do if you swapped places with your parent for the day? This is actually a harder question than you might think. I wouldn’t want to take advantage of my parents or anything like that. Maybe I’d send my dad-as-me on an audition so he knew what it was like to go through that. (Hey, many he’d end up booking it for me)!) I guess anything I can think of would be about having him experience life in my shoes. I’d probably also write a quick check to pay off my student loans.