DC Metro Theater Arts Review of The Gulf
October 4, 2016EXCERPTS:
The Gulf continues Signature’s impressive use of its ARK space for non-musical productions filled with abundant bite and arresting production values.The Gulf also has several great comedic lines about Chef Boyardee, Ritz crackers, and using EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer), and one well-placed ‘political’ piece of dialogue that is, as they say, priceless.
Signature’s premiere of The Gulf is a bundle of pent-up frustration and desperation of two women wanting to be free – but needing help to be set free. The portrayals by Maria Rizzo and Rachel Zampelli will be talked about beyond DC, as they should. They set a high bar for those who come after them, when The Gulf become a play produced through the United States, as I am sure it will be. The parts are meaty, the situations universal, and the writing of Cefaly a marvel of details built on silence as well as language.