Signature in the Schools: Here's the Deal Educational Resources
Hello and welcome to Signature in the Schools’ Here’s the Deal by Caleen Sinette Jennings. This world premiere film looks at individual liberty, the New Deal and the power of collective good.
We invite you to explore the world of Here’s the Deal with your students before and after you view the film. Each of the sections below provides a full multimedia experience: articles, lesson plans, images and more to help your students dive deeper before, during and after their viewing of Here’s the Deal.
These exercises may be used in many capacities; they do not have to be used in order or in correlation with one another. If there is a resource that particularly pertains to your curriculum, we hope that you will use it as a supplementary activity. The goals listed in the articles and exercises are deliberately developed to align with goals from the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) for English, Social Studies and Theatre Arts.
The exercises and articles were created by a team of educators and theatrical professionals. They were created with remote learning circumstances (Zoom) in mind but can be easily adapted to suit in-person teaching styles. New this year: Each section includes post-show discussion questions that can be used as inspiration for discussion, essays or additional exercises.
For more information and questions please reach out to the team at: