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Ever After Society


Please help us sustain the Theatre by arranging a planned gift. Your generosity will enable theatergoers to enjoy high caliber shows at Signature well into the future, and you will help us continue to offer in-depth education programs that directly benefit local students. 
Options for making planned gifts include, but are not limited to, simple bequests in a will or trust or within an estate plan as well as non-cash assets such as real property. You can even include a provision naming Signature as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement plan. 
Thank you for considering making such an important commitment to support Signature’s future. Please contact the Development Office at 571.527.1828 with any questions or to discuss further. More details can be found below: 


The most common form of a planned gift is through a bequest—where you designate a portion or percentage of your will or living trust as a donation to a non-profit organization. To do so, simply name Signature as a beneficiary by providing the Theatre’s full legal name and Tax ID number along with the percentage or amount you’d like to donate. 
You can also make Signature a beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy. Naming the Theatre as the beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan asset such as a 401(k), 403(b), IRA or profit-sharing pension plan will accomplish a charitable goal while realizing significant tax savings as the plan will pass to Signature free of both estate and income taxes; tax consequences may make it costly to pass such assets to heirs. 
Making Signature a beneficiary of your retirement plan is both tax efficient and as easy as changing the beneficiary form with your IRA administrator and designating Signature Theatre as a primary, contingent or partial beneficiary.


You can make a bequest through your will, codicil, or trust. Here is an example of language to use:

“I, [insert your name], bequeath the sum of [insert monetary sum or percentage of my residuary estate] to Signature Theatre, 4200 Campbell Ave, Arlington, VA 22206, Tax ID # 62-1417785.” 


If you choose to include Signature in your estate plans, please let us know so we can thank you personally for making such a vital and important commitment to Signature Theatre and so that we can invite you to join the Ever After Society. Notifying us of your gift also allows us to celebrate you now while helping the Theatre plan for the future. 


By choosing to include Signature in your estate plans, we invite you to join the Ever After Society, honoring individuals who have arranged a planned gift. Exclusive benefits are lifelong and begin as soon as you notify us of your commitment.  


  • Recognition in every mainstage program and on the website
  • Special Annual Appreciation Event
  • Invitation to the Season Announcement event
  • Opportunities to attend behind-the-scenes events 

Meet Our Ever After Society Members

Signature recognizes the following members who have included the Theatre in their estate plans:

Anonymous (7)
Dr. Stewart Aledort and Dr. Sheila Rogovin*
Allan Armus*
Susan Barrett
Scott Douglas Bellard
Dottie Bennett
Cathy Bernard
Monique Boulanger
David W. Briggs
Bonnie* and Jere Broh-Kahn
Louise Budelis
Anne Buzalski
Jean Cantrell
Tim Carlton
Diane L. Carroad
Heidi Christensen
Bruce A. Cohen*
Edward* and Andrea Cooper
Estate of Sharon H. Dantzig*
Capt. Joan Darrah and Lynne Kennedy
Bob and Tracy Dattner
Martin A. Davis* and Belle N. Davis
L. William Derrow*
Barbara and Kevin Donnellan
Terri G. Dunahay
Keith Eby
Eddie and Rachel Eitches
R. Glen Fernald, Charles Rhode
William Giroux*
Ellen L. Goldstein
Paul R. Gordon
Jeff and Joan Greene
Lois C. Greisman
Judy Grill
Frank Guzzetta and Paul Manville
Carolyn Harris
Dana A. Hearn & Kevin J. McCloskey
Robert E. Hebda
Kristine Heine
Kaye Ann Hellmich
Barbara Hill and Carol Krueger
Naomi K. Horowitz*
RC Howes
Gerald Hurwitz and Stephanie George
Jan Inscore-Boswell
Andrew A. Isen
James Johnson & Matthew Shepard
Pamela Kalinowski
Herschel Kanter

Andi Kasarsky
Peter Kester
Robert L. Kimmins
Renee Klish
Judith Knee
Seth Koch, V.M.D. and Barbara Bellman
Steven B. Kruse
Steven Arthur Landry and Maureen Oglivie Landry
Michele* and Ted Leber
Myron Lehtman
Debra and Michael Linick
Julianna Mahley
Tina M. Martin* and Mita M. Schaffer
Lou Mazawey
Wells R. McCurdy
Robert J. McDonald and David J. Insinga
April McGuire
Jean R. McKean
Janice N. McLean
McCain McMurray and Cameron Griffith
Howard Menaker and Patrick Gossett
Laura Ariane (Laurie) Miller*
Phillip Lee Milstead
William Moses and Thomas Sachs
Michael Mueller and Kristopher Zgorski
Roland Ninomaya*
Micheal J. O’Connor
Wesley Pickard and Jeanette Studley*
Suzy Platt*
Richard and Wendy Rahm
Mike Rankin, M.D.
Eric Schaeffer
Henry J. Schalizki* and Robert D. Davis*
Richard* and Rochelle Schwab
Skip Seward
Victor Shargai*
Larry Shaw and Richard Freitag
Merrill and Mark Shugoll
Margaret Snowdon
Constance Sorrentino
Carl H. Spatz & Thomas D. Hesselbrock
Aileen and Jack Sullivan
Bill Vess*
Arthur A. Warren
Maya Weil
Paul Wojcik*
Janet Yandik
Cynthia Young*
Pamela Zitron & Jake Gallun

*In memoriam

If you would like more information about arranging a planned gift or joining the Ever After Society, please contact:

McKinley Seale, Donor Services Manager